Chapter 22: So Dranes Is .......

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Leo's POV:

"So, follow me let's go search for your new girlfriend" Anya said holding my hands to leave the lunch table
"Can you at least let him finish lunch" Michael suggested and I agreed with him

We trusted our friends enough to tell them about the 'game' we're playing, although they all thought it was a bad idea, we still did it anyways, I did it just to make Anya happy.

"No, she's always hard to find, she is sorta invisible around her but everyone knows that she's always at the library during lunch time so we gotta go now" she argued
"Is it that important Anya?" Luna asked
"Yes it is, now let's go Leo" she said before finally pulling me away to the school's library.

"So where is she then?" I asked reaching the library
"I don't know but look over there, it's her friend, let's go ask her" she said walking over to her but I pulled her back
"Anya don't you think you are overreacting?" I asked her holding her hand
"No Leo it's just that I'm so excited to create the first bad boy and nerd love story in the whole of Addison high" she stated
"No, Michael and Renne are the first bad boy and nerd love story so just forget about this" I argued
"You said you'll do this for me so stop arguing, ok?" She said pulling my hands and dragging me to a little corner of the library where a dark girl with brown hair was seated with three books in front of her and her phone in her hand. I have to say, she looks quite familiar though

We sat on the chair just a seat away from her and waited, I didn't even know what exactly we were waiting for
"What are we doing here Anya?" I asked
"That girl over there is Nikita Hydes, Dranes best friend, if she's there that means Dranes would be there any minute now" Anya answered.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever done in my whole life, but seriously that Nikita girl looks way too familiar.

I looked at her closely from my distance and tried to remember where I saw her from, I thought and thought but nothing.

Just then another brunette girl walked up to Nikita and I realized that.....
"Leo, that's Dranes go up to her and make your move" Anya said pointing at the brunette standing close to Nikita
"That's the Dranes you were talking about?" I asked shocked
"Yeah, I know right she's a serious nerd" she responded but that was honestly what was bothering me, the girl in front of me, I've met her from somewhere, I saved her from rape, she told me she was Hermione, so, Hermione is Dranes?!.......

"Anya, is that Dranes?" I asked again.
"Yes now hurry before she leaves for classes" she said again

I'm not sure I'll be able to so this to Hermione because, they are types of people you play and someone you saved from rape isn't quite someone you should play

"Anya, I can't do this" I said looking over at Hermione and Nikita then finally walking away from the library


Anya's POV:
"Anya, I can't do this" he says before walking out on me

Seriously Leo?, I thought he actually said he'll do anything for me, he can't even help me out here, my reputation is at stake and he can't help me with this little thing, he just has to do it whether he likes it or not because I am Anya and I get anything I want.


School is over now and I and Leo, haven't spoken to each other ever since what happened at the library, I guess I'll just have to sweet talk him into doing this for me

"Leo" I said running over to his car
"What is it Anya?" He asked slightly frustrated
"Please baby, do this for me, OK, tell me why you don't wanna do it?" I said ignoring his frustration
"It's a long story Anya, but I'll tell you anyways....."
"If it's a long story then don't tell me, I'm not actually interested, I just want you to do this for me" I interrupted him
"Why Anya?, I've been doing things for you a lot lately and I'm not happy about any one of them, have you ever done something for me?" He asked
"Leo, I gave up my reputation for a whole month for you"
"Well I gave up my happiness, my real girlfriend, my time, my everything for you and now you want me to give up my respect for the abused" he said

What on Earth does mean by abuse, probably part of the long story so I'm still not interested.

"I'm sorry I made you do all that Leo, OK, promise to date Hermione for me and I'll kiss you"
"You kiss me every time Anya, your my girlfriend" he said back
"I'll kiss you in public" I said before seizing his lips into a nice kiss and sure enough I made sure people were looking.

"OK, fine, I'll do it" Leo finally said after our lips parted
"Yay, thanks boo" I said before turning around and strutting over to my car

I knew Leo won't be able to stand me sad and begging so I emotionally black mailed him and I got two things out of it.

For one thing everyone saw me kissing my ex when I already have a boyfriend, typical badass player bitch. And for another, Leo agreed for the bad boy nerd thingy.

I told you I always get what I want.

Author's note:

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't been updating in a while but hey, I'm back again.

I said this was an important author's note right, here it is;

Plsssss guys, I just started my tiktok and I created a new IG account and I need followers, pls follow me
I'm @riettacute in both apps and I promise I'll follow back the first fifty people that follow me, thanks guys, love y'all.

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Also, stay home and stay safe


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