Chapter 27: Phew, Fuck You

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Anya's POV:



It's been one whole fucking week since Leo left me for nerdy pants and now I'm all alone.
The girls don't hang out with me anymore and Kendra has a boyfriend she's been dating since last month and they haven't broken up that means my only competition is Roxy but Roxy has dated all the guys at school and right now, she doesn't do guys anymore.

That leaves just me, I'm the only player in the whole of Addison high, shouldn't I be happy about it?, I already got what I want right?, but why do I still miss Leo?, he's just a good for nothing selfish skunkbag, right?

O am I kidding, I was wrong, I love Leo and I don't want to loose him, now this stupid heartbreaking thing is over I need my heart code back, I can't believe he and all my friends are now hanging out with Nikita and Dranes, I just don't............

"Miss Dewills, Anya, day dreaming again are you?" Mrs. Tregger asked interrupting my train of thoughts

This happens regularly now, I barely focus on stuff anymore, I just keep thinking about Leo and that Dranes

"Anya Dewills" Mrs Tregger shouted again "I'm talking to you, another one of those distractions and you get a detention" she continued
"Whatever" I say faking a smirk.
Just because I miss Leo doesn't mean I don't get to keep my bad girl act

She continued her teaching and honestly all I could hear was 'Blah blah blah blah blah blah'
I was seriously thinking about Leo and I've decided to talk to him during lunch.

'Blah blah blah blah' Mrs. Tregger said some more before the bell finally rings.
I pack my things hurriedly and rush to the cafeteria to get lunch and talk with my baby. I walk in and search for him with my eyes and I finally see him seating with Luna, Tyler, Roxy, Renne, Michael, Nikita and of course..... Dranes

"Hi guy, mind if I join y'all" I say reaching their table while they all looked at me surprisingly before Roxy responds
"That's if your boyfriend would let you"
"Don't tell me you guys are still mad, Dranes, Nikita, get out, I need to talk to my friends" I said rudely.
I didn't mean to be rude but seeing Dranes always gets me angry
"Excuse me?" Nikita asked
"I said leave I need to talk to them, so shoo" I stated
"For one reason, this is our lunch table so you are the one that need to get out and for another who the hell are you to be telling us what to do?"Nikita asked rudely

That is the reason why I hate talking to Nikita, she always has a comeback for everything, Dranes doesn't really talk much as she tries her best to always avoid trouble, I know that so I always make sure to take advantage of it.

"That's your problem but fine, you can stay if you want to but Dranes, you'll have to go because I want to have a private discussion with my boyfriend" I say back
"Get out of here Anya, you only call drama when you walk" Luna said disgusted
"Look, I just wanted to talk to Leo" I say honestly
"OK, were talking" Leo said uninterested
"Leo, I want to talk to you in private" I replied
"Whatever you want to say, say it here and now in front of everyone"
"Fine" I hesitated before shoving everyone and sitting between him and Hermione so he'll be just next to me and for some reason no one said anything
"Leo, baby, I'm sorry for everything I did to you, OK, I  was a bit selfish but that doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that I love you and I'll always love you. You know how hard it is for me to say sorry right?, so just accept, OK?" I said stroking his cheek with a smile and surprisingly he pushed my hands away

"Wow, that was the dumbest apology ever, I don't even know how to reply to that"
"Just say you forgive me then we'll kiss and makeup" I said to him
"I'm not angry at you Anya, it's your life, your free to make your own choices" he said smiling but everyone at the table didn't find that amusing
"Are you mad Leo?" Michael asked
"Shut up Mikky, who are you to question Leo's love for me?" I asked sticking out my tongue and Dranes who looked like she didn't care. Doesn't she realize I'm stealing her boyfriend?

"Love for you?, I'm not in love with you Anya, besides I already have a girlfriend and you're blocking my view" Leo said as he shoved me out of the seat and Hermione shifted back to her old position
"What?!, you're leaving me for Dranes" I exclaimed

"Phew, for a moment there I thought you would dump
Dranes for Anya" Tyler said wiping imaginary sweat off his fore head but I ignored him because I was in shock

"He left you a long time ago and for the last time my name is Hermione so don't ever call me Dranes again" Dranes said in loud voice getting the attention of everyone in the cafeteria.

I'm honestly shocked, just one week with Leo and she's trying to act all bitchy with me. She wants to insult me in her stupid British accent

"Wow, just one week with my boyfriend and she's already acting like hot stuff" I said clapping my hands as everyone were now seriously looking at us
"Leo is not your boyfriend because he doesn't love you and no one would ever be we to love you because you only love yourself" she said more confident than the first time and I swear that got me pissed off

"Seriously?, you think Leo loves you, do you even know that if not for my 'selfishness' then you wouldn't have met with Leo and you wouldn't have the guts to talk to me in this manner, do you even know why he is dating you, he doesn't love you, he only wants to make me jealous because he really loves me and I dumped him"  I said and she kind of looked shocked at first but then she got up from her seat and stared at me directly in my eyes like she isn't even scared of me
"Leo told me everything, he told me every single thing, now you know that I know, there's nothing left to say, Leo doesn't love you anymore and your life is ruined so get out of here" Dranes said and everyone in the cafeteria laughed and I think they were laughing at

I was thinking of a comeback for her but I didn't have one so I turned to Leo
"I can't believe you left me for her, I swear you'll all regret this and by the way.....FUCK YOU" I said before walking away angrily ignoring all the glares and chuckling.


Hermione's POV:

"Wow, I seriously didn't believe you had taken anything I said seriously, I was honestly expecting her to come and make trouble with you but I'm so glad you made her speechless" Leo said giving me a big hug.

After, he learnt about how Anya treats me at school, he said I was too soft and convinced me to talk back at her anytime we meet. To be honest I've been practicing most of those insults in front of my bedroom mirror.

"What was she talking about Leo?" I said ignoring what he said
"Leo, if you're planning on telling her now then I have a sudden urge to use the bathroom" Roxy said
"Wait, I'll tell her here, now in presence of all of us" he said  then sighed
"Well, it all started when .............."
And that was how he told me everything and I was really shocked
"So, all this is just a game?" I asked softly
"No, well, yes, it did start as a game I love you now" he said
"Now......, so u mean all these time we've been together you haven't loved me" I said
"We should all probably leave Leo" Tyler said and they left
"OK, yes, I didn't want to go out with you before because of what happened that night, I couldn't afford to break your heart and make it seem like I was using you but I love you now I swear, I enjoy your company and your unnecessary blushing and........."
"I know Leo, I'm only angry because you didn't tell me all this earlier, I'm so angry that I had to hear it from Anya" I said giving him a smile
"But you were really great, Anya believed when you said you already knew everything, now you should better get ready for because she is out to get you" he teased me trying to lighten up the mood.
"I'm not scared of her as long as I have you by my side" I said before be pulled me into a hug
"I love you red" he whispered in my ears and It felt really good.

My first boyfriend is the best boyfriend ever

Author's note:

I don't have much to say guys just plssss vote and comment.

Stay home and stay safe guys


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