1| Sagara Dynasty

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Time Period : 650 BCE




"Your Highness," The head of servants council entered the queen's chambers, bowing her head down in respect.

The private chambers of the queen is almost a small palace in itself, with huge windows and two wide balconies which were always grandly decorated with golden threaded materials.

The queen of the Sagara empire, Anasuya devi sat on her golden cushioned chair with her head held up high in the air. Her hair was plated to perfection and was studded with beautiful flowers. Around her tall slim neck remains a beautifully crafted golden necklace with several other tiny chains and her golden silk saree screamed of riches, it was a known fact that queen Anasuya loves gold and also it goes unsaid that she had an aura of danger around her and it was right. 

The queen of Sagara was dangerous, to take a challenge with her is similar to beheading yourself. She was a snake, a snake who remembers to take her revenge at any cost. 

"My queen, even today Prince Raghuveer has denied the assistance of maids." The servant's council head, Meghamba said those words stepping backwards in fear. 

Anasuya's lips turned up in disgust as she tossed the table beside her chair and she stood up with the speed of wind and pulled Meghamba up by her hair gripping her throat in her iron fist, almost lifting Meghamba up in air. 

"Never!" Queen Anasuya quenched her fingers tight, her diamond ring piercing through Meghamba's skin making drops of blood slide down her neck, "Ever, address that bastard as a Prince!" Her eyes and voice were filled with venom and disgust as she spat those words.

Hastily she loosened her grip making Meghamba fall to the floor gasping for air and queen Anasuya left her chambers in anger. 

King Vimal Das, her husband was an excellent king, his people were so impressed and happy with his ruling that they considered him as their god. A god who came in the form of a human but in reality he was someone else. 

As much as he was known for his upright ruling he was also known for his desire for women. He had a total of four wives and countless concubines and Latha Raagini was one of his concubine. 

Latha entered the palace as a young royal maid and like every young woman she fantasized about their handsome king. But on one unfortunate night, their queen Anasuya was away on a voyage with her day's old son to seek the blessings of gods for her infant. 

And that evening the king was tempted looking at a young beauty like Latha and soon the dirty deed was done. 

But after that night, never once has the king turned back to even cast a look at that young maid.  

Latha revolved around the king like a sunflower trying to get his attention but little did she know that he was not a sun, he was a moon. 

However when the news about Latha being pregnant with his child reached the king's ears he immediately made her his concubine and prince Raghuveer is the son that concubine. 

Right at a small age Prince Raghuveer proved to be an intelligent one, he was sharp; both with a sword and his words. When king Vimal Das noticed this he bent towards Raghuveer, favouring him and his mother, Latha Raagini. 

Which angered Queen Anasuya beyond words, she has tried her best to prove that her only son, Dipankar was equally intelligent but her son always proved her wrong. He had an attention span less than a goldfish and his knowledge of politics were poor than any beggar in their kingdom. Prince Dipankar turned out to be a dimwit.

King Vimal Das's character towards woman was worse but he always treated his children with all the care and love in the world. He has always tried his best to treat his children alike, irrespective of their status, after all they were his blood. But Queen Anasuya made sure that everyone stayed in their place. 

However in reality no child loved him, which foolish child will love a father who tramples with their mothers respect?

King Vimal Das was now over sixty and has become weak physically which means that he will be dying soon and that thought has ignited a fire in queen Anasuya, not because she might lose her husband but to make her son a king. 

 While the queen was busy trying to create a council for herself and her son, there behind the palace remains prince Raghuveer. The king of Sagara made sure to give some assets to his children on their twentieth birthday and as follows Prince Raghuveer got a wild garden behind the palace, which was actually a barren part of a forest. 

The king's initial plan was to gift his son, prince Raghuveer a small palace like house but Queen Anasuya convinced him saying that the prince loves gardening and made the king gift a garden, however it was a barren forest which the king wasn't aware of.

The bright sun had fallen and the full moon took his place, illuminating his faint white rays through every nook and corner of the kingdom and prince Raghuveer stood on a cliff in his garden, his huge muscled hands were placed on his hips as he looked at his kingdom from the elevation. 

He could see a newly married couple hurrying inside their hut  from this elevation, which bought a small smile on his face.

Indeed beautiful things existed in this world, love exists in this world. It is just that he was the cursed one here, in all his life he never felt this lonely. He always felt as if some part of him was missing but it is always a puzzle to him about why he has such weird feelings. 

Some unknown pain of loneliness was amplifying in him which was almost absurd. Though his life was disordered nonetheless it was peaceful, then why were such weird feelings engulfing him?


Looks like our prince is waiting for his princess!

The story will get interesting soon, so hang on my flowers!!

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