Chapter 17: Finding Dead Friends

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Ch. 17
Percy looked her dead in the eyes, "Zoe and Bianca."

"Bianca is alive?" Nico said. "Well not alive... but out of Elysium."

Thalia's jaw dropped and she shot up to her feet only to have Percy yank her back down roughly and clamp his hand over her mouth before she could protest.
Thalia's eyes flashed with anger when she looked at Percy but Percy just stared back at her defiantly.
"Wait!" Percy hissed quietly. "We have no idea how they're down here and who has them chained up inside."

"Smart," Athena said. "Can't just charge in without a plan or strategy."

Thalia pulled Percy's hand off her mouth, "We have to help them."
Percy narrowed his eyes at his best friend, "You think I don't know that? Charging in their blindly will only lead us to being in the same position as them. We need to figure out what we're running into if we want to save them. I promise we are not leaving Tartarus without both of them."
Thalia nodded grudgingly knowing Percy probably just saved her from getting herself captured.
"Okay then Kelp Head, what should we do?" Thalia whispered frustrated.
"I don't know. You think I expected seeing two of my dead friends chained to a wall in Tartarus when I opened that door?" Percy whispered just as agitated.

Artemis had a sad look. She was happy that Zoe and Bianca ended up being okay, but sad they had to suffer like that for gods know how long.

"Did you see anyone else?" Thalia whispered.
Percy shook his head, "I got out of there as soon as I saw them so I didn't get seen. I wish Nico were here, his ability to hide in shadows would be awfully helpful."
"Are they okay?" Thalia asked, her tone softening.
Percy's eyes darkened, "They're alive but not in the best shape. If we can get them out and hide somewhere for a bit then I can heal them and get them some food and water. I have a small amount of nectar and ambrosia but I should be able to heal them with some water if I can still conjure up foods. My fire powers still work so I assume all my others still work too with the exception of teleporting. There is probably some kind of block inside Tartarus to prevent people from teleporting out."

"There is in order to make it harder for them to escape," Hades said. "We deal with beings that are practically gods, some of them who ARE or WERE gods, the protections are necessary unfortunately, and also something I don't really have control over."

Thalia nodded but her eyes have away her concern.
"Maybe if I can sneak the door open again I can get Zoe's attention. If she's awake, maybe she can let us know who is holding her." Percy said warily.
Thalia stared at Percy as she tried to think of a better plan but her mind came up blank.
"Alright Percy but if you get caught, we're going in there guns blazing. We are not getting captured down here alive." Thalia said seriously.
Percy nodded his head in agreement.
Percy grabbed a handful of small pebbles that littered the floor underneath them and crawled his way back up to the door. He looked back at Thalia who was crouched a few feet back with her canister of mace in hand as she nodded to Percy to signal that she was ready.

No one dared to speak as the tension was high in the throne room.

Percy gently pushed open the door to the dimly lit room again. He peered around until his eyes landed on the two chained huntresses. Percy's heart clenched when he saw their bruised bodies and faces. He looked at Zoe and noticed her body move slightly. Percy pushed the door just a little more open and looked around to see the room empty.
Percy grabbed a pebble and tossed it at Zoe's feet.

Artemis held her breath, knowing the result, but still worried for her boyfriend and her best friend.

When it hit, her eyes snapped open, a look of pure hatred in them. She looked toward the other end of the room but then started closing her eyes again. Percy threw another pebble, this time hitting her in the arm.

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