Chapter 14: New Family

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"Percy my boy, is that you?" Chiron asked.

"Chiron," Sally smiled. "Such a good man. Uh man horse."

Everyone nodded at Sally's comment but laughed at her additional commentary.

Percy took a deep breath and turned to look at the person who helped shape him into the man he was today.

All of the demigods reminisced in their memories of Chiron. When Chiron practically raised Annabeth as his own. When Chiron taught Percy and Perseus everything they know and stuck with them when others accused them. When Chiron did everything in his power to save Thalia from death. When Chiron empathized and was there for Nico when he needed him most. Chiron was there for everyone, and not one person could say something bad about him.

"Hey Chiron, long time no see." Percy said a little awkwardly causing Thalia and Phoebe to snicker.

Before Percy could react, he was crushed in a hug by the old centaur.

"You have no idea how much we've missed you." Chiron said as he tried to hold back tears at the sight of the greatest demigod he had ever trained.

Percy nodded sadly, "I know Chiron, I'm sorry. I had to deal with some stuff but I'm finally ready to move past it."

Annabeth looked down as Percy wrapped his arms around her in a hug, comforting her and reassuring her.

Chiron smiled and nodded in understanding.

Percy turned to look at the Greek demigods who were staring at him with wide eyes. Percy was a little nervous; something Chiron picked up on.

"There will be a meeting for all cabin leaders in the big house in twenty minutes. Until then, resume introducing yourselves to your Roman siblings." Chiron announced loudly.

Percy smiled gratefully at Chiron.

"You'll join us in the big house right?" Chiron asked hopefully.

Percy nodded, earning a big smile from his mentor. Chiron turned and galloped over to Lupa who was trying to watch over the interactions between the Romans and Greeks.

Percy turned to Thalia, "You'll be coming too right?"

"Of course, doofus," Thalia said thumping Perseus on the back of the head.

"Ow!" Perseus whined.

"I am the cabin leader of the Artemis cabin Kelp Head." Thalia answered matter-of-factly.

Percy rolled his eyes as he saw Chloe hiding behind a few of the older hunters at the sight of so many male demigods in one place. Percy walked over and snatched her up, earning a big smile from the little huntress.

Chloe smiled, fondly remembering that.

"There's nothing to worry about Chloe. I won't let anyone mess with you, ever." Percy whispered quietly to her.

Chloe's smile grew before she planted a childish kiss on Percy's cheek.

"You want to come with me to the meeting in the big house? I can introduce you to some of my friends." Percy asked smiling.

Chloe nodded happily. Percy sent a smile to Thalia before walking towards the big house.

"Percy, why does everyone seem so surprised to see you?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Because they thought I was dead," Perseus answered.

Percy wasn't quite sure how to answer her question but decided the truth would be the best way to explain everything.

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