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"I will read," Hestia said.
But before she began to read, a loud bang could be heard. "What in Hades name is going on?" A male voice yelled.

"Seaweed Brain, what the hell did you do?" A female voice hissed

"Don't look at me, Wise Girl, I didn't do nothing." The male voice said.

In moments the throne room door swung open revealing three people. In seconds, Thalia lunged at the blond female girl. "Thalia, what in the world?!" The blonde girl yelled, judo flipping her. "What are you doing here, and why are you attacking me?!"

"You bitch! I'll pound you to a pulp for what you did!" Thalia yelled.

Percy quickly grabbed Thalia and yanked her away from the girl. "Thalia, hold on, I don't think that's her... at least the version that we know."

The other Percy stared in disbelief at Percy, standing in front of him. "Are you.... supposed to be me?" Percy asked Percy.

"Woah, this is some freaky friday,"" Nico said. "I don't understand, why are we here? Where is here?"

"Allow me to explain!" A voice said from the shadows. "You see, I've been neglecting certain people for several long years, to the point where I have grown up and moved on to bigger and different things, however, I finally have the motivation to come back and possibly finish this? Let's not get ahead of ourselves, but because I've waited so long to work on this project of mine, I need new toys to play with, and I have a few ideas of making this wait well worth its while. You see, you all," the voice says gesturing to everyone except for the three new people. "Are simply the creations of versions of these characters and more coming shortly. You were created by a man named Anaklusmos about 7 years ago. These people and the ones coming later, are the real, original versions, of you, created by Rick Riordan, or as we like to say, Uncle Rick. And in celebration of there being a television show in the works and much other chaos mixed in, I'm coming back to finish what I started or at least try to. To make things easy, Percy from the Queen's Champion Universe, you will now be Perseus, suck it up. Percy from the canon universe, you will be Percy. The rest of you should pretty much be good with being called by your real names. Just be aware, if characters randomly show up out of nowhere, they will be from the original universe, not the Queen's Champion Universe, or at least unless told otherwise. Also, to make things easier on me, I will be taking over reading the story from now on."

"Who are you?" Perseus asked.

"I am Blue, the person who created this situation you are currently in," the voice said, stepping out of the shadows and sitting in the middle. "Ignore my existence, I will just be reading the story. Oh and to catch the canon universe up to speed..."

Blue snapped her fingers and all seven people gasped while Percy fainted. "There you go... all caught up!"

Annabeth's eyes widened. "I...I was a traitor?" Annabeth said with a frown. "And wait... Artemis the virgin goddess... is dating MY boyfriend? And... my boyfriend is... Hera's son? And can actually shoot a bow and arrow?"

"Yes, yes," Blue said. "Now let's continue."

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