chapter 23

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Transcripts from interrogation of Bamidele Matthews as of 27th of March, 1994.

The identity of the interrogator has been hidden to protect  the anonymousness of The Orion Project and will be subsequently referred to as 'The Bat'

BM: You have no right to detain me, I know my rights.

TB: You are in no position to demand for your rights, not when you and I know the truth. We've reached out to you in the past few months, asked you nicely, offered money all to get you to cease this foolish investigation but you are one SOB.

BM: The country deserves to know the truth, the lies your organization speaks — puppeteering the government itself. I repeat, you have no right to detain me, I have a whole team of journalists who will notice my absence.

TB: I'm afraid I cannot let you leave.

BM: . . .

TB: Tonight, the building of The Nigerian Post will go up in flames, every single piece of information burned to the ground, the same thing will happen to your home.

BM: (visibly upset) you have no right —

TB: You have a beautiful family, by the way.

BM: If you touch them, — just please, don't. I'll do whatever you want.

TB: I'm afraid it's too late now, you had your chance, but I do have one question for you.

BM: I will answer whatever you want, just as long you let them live, please.

TB: We'll see what your information is worth, who was the snitch? Who is your informant?

BM: we never met, at least not in person.

TB: I am going to need a name, tick, tock.

BM: I don't even know if my informant was female or male, our conversations were never long, they left information for me to pick up at specific locations. I swear to god, I didn't know their identity.

TB: I need a name.

BM: They claimed to be part of an organization called Rising Sun.


Kendrick had never been more glad to gaze up at the night sky, they had barely made it out in time and the climb down the dark stairways had been the longest time of his life. He heaved a breath and inhaled fresh air tinged with the sharp smell of smoke. The night was lit up with bright blue and red siren colours, the screams made him feel like he was lost.

Part of DisaSTAR was already lit up in flames and one glance at the fire told him that it had began from the beginning of the street, not the club itself and from the looks of the several fire trucks arriving, it was safe to say that things weren't all bad.

He was quick to take back that sentiment when he spotted a few ambulance cars and the paramedics rushing towards the burning building.

"My club is in flames!" It was almost comical how Jamal knelt on the sand, sobbing into his palms while his assistant stood over him, an exasperated look on her face. He cried aloud how his daddy was going to kill him.

Kendrick took Grace's hand, shaking her slightly when he noted the dazed look on her face.

"We almost died," she said quietly, he had to strain to hear her words above the whirling siren calls. It was only when he drew her close did he notice that she was shaking like a leaf.

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