chapter 1

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The ORION Project welcomes you back on campus.

Grace Ilori snorted as she stopped to stare at the square banner just right outside the university's gate surrounded by other banners stating the universities social activities for the new semester. The banner was a burst of several colors and the words inscribed on it a cursive in small letters.

It was brand new as if it had just been erected that morning. Banners were not uncommon, but it was rare to have TOP display their presence like a flamboyant peacock. The ORION Project was an exclusive and suspicious bookclub, some students thought it a secret cult or an organization of exclusive rich kids.

As a puny freshman, Grace had once tried to join the club but had gotten rejected with a condescending letter, since then she had harboured a distinct dislike for the club. The fact that they liked to flaunt their exclusivity around campus was an added bonus that fueled her dislike.

She sniffed in distaste and reached for a small stone on the ground, ignoring the looks of concern students milling past her towards the gates. They probably thought she was loony but she was past caring.

Grace cared what people thought about her, but that insecurity was absent whenever she was around strangers. As long as she never saw them again, she was fine with embarrassing herself in front of them.

She flicked the stone at the banner, feeling a glint of satisfaction as she hit target. The stone barely made a dent but she was content nonetheless.

She spared a glance at her wristwatch, 7:30am, it read. She picked up her pace, throwing one last look of disdain at the banner.

The school was the same sore sight as the previous semester, the fashion police stood, stopping students wearing "contraband" clothing and accessories with looks of wicked glee. Lagos state university was perhaps the only university in the whole state that treated it's students like high school students.

The school handbook had a comprehensive list of dos and don'ts. Don't wear skinny jeans, no leggings, no ripped jeans or crocs (Fridays were an exception to crocs). Grace could list them all off her head without faltering.

She was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and boyfriend jeans paired with black converse. Her hair was woven into cornrows. She thought she was rather basic and plain, unable to stop glancing at the girls who managed to adhere to the rules and still looked like they belonged in a fashion magazine.

Her gaze kept straying to a strutting girl wearing a figure hugging gown and sandals decorated with butterflies. Her wavy black extensions were swept to one side and she wore light make-up.

Grace blinked back pathetic tears and scoffed to herself. It was only the first day and she was already feeling like shit.

She walked, staring ahead and cursing her own bad luck. The new semester would be horrible, she could feel it in her bones. She strode past a banner with the former Miss LASU grinning seductively on it.

With the passing time on her mind, she walked faster and the sun glared down at her, making sweat pool in her neck. She crossed over to the other side of the road and the faculty of education came into view. It was crowded with students laughing and welcoming friends.

Grace froze in her steps at the sound of her name.

"Grace!" A familiar female voice called out.

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