chapter 10

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Experiment on me by Halsey really goes with this chapter ;-)

Grace's hands shook by her side and she shoved them into the pockets of her jeans she wondered if she was making a huge mistake, a part of still could not believe she was considering Joshua's offer. A few hours ago she had been so certain she would throw his offer back into his face the next time he ran into her but after Kendrick had left, she had almost run into Dr. Ireti and a part of her was certain he was looking for her.

Joshua could fix her problems, he could save her only chance of getting away from her family ensuring that she graduated, but at what cost? What did she have to offer a boy who had everything?

She quickened her steps, grateful that it was evening and there was no chance she'd run into anyone now. Grace came to a stop right in front of the path that led to the environment of the Faculty of Law and looked ahead at the Moot Court, she was surprised at what she saw -- two figures argued heatedly at the steps.

As she walked closer, she realized it was Kendrick and he looked pissed off, ready to tear the other boy in pieces. Too bad, it was likely he wouldn't win, the other boy had the muscles Kendrick lacked.

"It's not like what I have to say will make you feel any better, how about we put this behind us?" The boy spoke rapidly, kicking one leg as he spoke.

Under the glow of the streetlight, Kendrick scowled and he looked like he was going to say more but he turned and saw Grace. The other boy followed his line of sight and straightened, Grace noticed he was looking at strangely, as if he was assessing her.

"You came." Kendrick said breathlessly when she reached them, he still looked furious, his brows were pinched together as he stared at her.

"I was curious." Grace found herself saying. "Who's your friend?"

"No one." Kendrick said at the same time the boy said, "ORION'S gatekeeper."

He bowed slightly, pantomiming removing a hat like a magician. He looked at her with narrowed brown eyes and he somehow reminded Grace of herself with the same almond shaped eyes but he was taller and more masculine looking. He was dressed in jeans and a plain black T-shirt that clung to his torso.

The boy ran a hand through his thick hair, wincing as he did so, Grace bit her lips to stop the laugh bubbling in her throat. In American movies, his fingers would have probably slid through his over gelled hair and the girls around him would faint but this was reality and he was Nigerian, he didn't have silky hair, he had thick stubborn hair that was almost an afro. He began tapping his foot on the concrete and every time he did so, he'd sneak a glance at Kendrick.

"If he's no one, then why are you arguing with no one?" Grace asked Kendrick.

"Good point, let us through, Firepemi." Kendrick said through gritted teeth. Something clicked in her head at the name.

"You wouldn't happen to be Firepemi Kingston, captain of the football team?" Grace asked him.

Firepemi nodded with a slight smile. "Let me guess, you are one of my fan girls and you want an autograph."

Grace rolled her eyes.

"No, I think you're an asshole. You and your stupid buddies once blocked me from playing badminton by placing the table tennis table on the badminton court. And when I confronted your dude bros about it, I didn't even get a glance, dismissed like I was a maid." Grace snapped.

Firepemi flinched back, looking frightened. Kendrick cracked a tiny smile at that.

"Well, I apologize." He finally said.

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