Chapter 22

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I jumped up gasping for air, tears streaming down my face as I sobbed.

"Avalon ? Avalon what happened?" Raine ran as fast as she could upstairs to me, she jumped onto the bed next to me as I sobbed. "Avalon, what happened to you ?" She stroked my hair and held me, trying to calm me down.

"He made me forget," I whispered so softly I doubted she even heard.

"What ?" She made me look at her.

"He made me forget," I explained what happened in the flashback, she looked taken back a little.

"So he didn't explain why you needed to make you forget ?" She was trying to make me feel better but I just felt worse, he'd made me forget him but he'd also made the feeling of blame go away a little, without that the feelings came back like a slap.

"No, the worse part is I don't even know if he's alive, so it's kinda hard to be angry at a dead guy!" I got up and walked to the bathroom, cleaning my face. "He took away my memories like I was just a doll, like I didn't have a choice!" I threw the brush against a wall before sliding down next to counter and breaking down, Raine watched me from the doorway, unsure to try and console me or not. Archer's words from before came back to me and I realised the double meaning.

"We should of left you for dead the first time we came across you."

He meant the first time he saw me, heck he even knew how guilty I felt about Casey's death and he still talked to me like THAT! He still acted like I was some pathetic little girl who couldn't handle the 'Big bad world.' But I'm not.

"Avalon ?" Raine's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah ?" I didn't look at her, I just looked at the wall.

"Let's get you some food, you've been asleep for four days now," wait what ?

"Four days ?" I went to stand up but lost my balance, thankfully Raine caught me, only then did I notice the hunger pains in my stomach. Raine led me to the table and sat me down.

"Yeah, I told you, depending on how much you were made to forget it takes more time to remember more..." She turned and started to make sandwiches, she decided to change subject in order to make me forget for a little while. "This house is yours you know."

"What do you mean ?" She sat down and gave me my sandwiches and dug into her own.

"Well this house belonged to your parents, when they killed themselves, they left this place to my mom, so when she died I got it, but it's yours by right," one thing she said stuck out at me.

"Why did they kill themselves anyway?" It had been bugging me for a while now, why did they do it ?

"Because they were Pure Bloods, their blood could make any supernatural invincible."

"Wait, I've had at least two vampires drink from me, but they have both been killed, how is that possible ?" Raine looked at me like I'd just told her I was a man.

"You really don't know anything about yourself do you ?" I motioned my hand for her to explain. "A Pure Bloods blood does not become, how would you say, valuable until you reach eighteen and you become 'ripe for the picking' only then will their blood make people invincible, how old are you anyway ?"

"Seventeen, its my birthday in a five months."

"Well you got five months until you become supernaturals most wanted," she took another bite but I froze. She was right, I had five months left to live, I mean I could run but that could only last so long, or maybe there was another way, if not, I could take the same option as my parents. Raine seemed to notice my somber mood. "Oh crap, that was so insensitive, I meant-"

"I know what you meant," I didn't mean for it to come out as bitter but it did. "But honestly ? It's true, at least I can live up to the saying live like your going to die tomorrow because as far as I know, I could possibly die," Raine gave me a look of awe mixed with confusion.

"Aren't you scared on dying ?"

"No, I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid to live because all I'll bring is chaos," we stayed silent after that. About ten minutes later Raine jumped up determined.

"That's it, no more pity party, we are going to cheer up and I know exactly how to," she opened a cupboard to reveal bottles of Jack Daniels and other liquors I didn't recognise. "Let's drink away our sorrows!" She declared in a over dramatic manner before dragging me into a standing position with a bottle in my hands.

"Why do we have to be standing ?"

"Because we must also dance!" Her stereo began blaring out with a song I didn't know as she started to jump about taking a swig of her drink every now and again.

"You're crazy," I took a swig of my bottle. "But strangely convincing," I started to dance around the room to the beat.

"Shake that booty Avalon," She winked at me and started to shake.

"You are so weird," I stood on the sofa and spun my hair around.

"Or maybe I'm the normal one and you're weird," she joined me on the opposite sofa.

"Nope, still going with my theory," We started laughing, when the next song came on I jumped up in the air squealing. "I love this song!"

I got this feeling on a summer day when you were gone.

I crashed my car into the bridge, I watched I let it burn.

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.

I crashed my car into the bridge.

"I Don't Care! I Love It"  We sang out loud and jumped onto the dinner table.

I got this feeling on a summer day when you were gone.

I crashed my car into the bridge, I watched I let it burn.

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.

I crashed my car into the bridge.

I Don't Care! I Love It!

You're on a different road, I'm on the milky way.

You want me down on earth but I am up in space.

You're so damn hard to please we gotta kill this switch.

You're from the seventies but I'm a nineties bitch.

I Love It!

We started giggling and I realised we were pretty drunk as the bottles were almost empty.

"Hey Greene, you wanna go home?" I gave myself whiplash as I turned to her.

"What ?"

"I can get you home, to Hunter and your friends, if you want," I considered it for a while, if I went home I could see Tyler, Dayton and Hunter again, but I could either find out Archer was dead or alive... Either way the result wouldn't be good. I made my decision.

"Sure," Raine smiled sadly before grabbing her phone. "On one condition," she gave me a curious glance.

"And what might that be ?"

"You come with me," she froze before answering.

"I'm sure you don't want some girl who you just met staying with you, I get you feel like you need to repay me for saving you but-"

"That's not it, honestly I like you, and I imagine it's lonely living here alone," Raine looked at the ground, not wanting to admit it. "If you came back with me you could stay at mine with my adoption parents, you could meet my friends Dayton, Vicky, Lincoln, my best friend Tyler, Hunter and Arch..." I swallowed the lump that formed in the back of my throat at the thought of Archer. "I don't know if he's alive or not, but I could do with another friend around, seems like you do too." Raine looked up at me, she seemed to be thinking about it for a while until she nodded, I beamed then put our bottles. "Let's get packing!"

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