Chapter 12

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We were back in school by now, after we'd woken up the other day I went home and got started on all the work I had missed. Tyler was still bouncy about the hellhound business, it was quite funny to see him go into the whole Buffy the vampire slayer thing, right now we were sitting down on the lawn by a tree out front, Chloe and Lizzie had apologized and got along quite well with Hunter. Hunter and I had grown closer a little over the last week, but Archer... Everytime I looked at him he was already staring at me, to say it was awkward was an understatement.

"So Avalon, are you going to the dance ?" Chloe smiled at me, she had been one of my best friends since we were little, I couldn't not forgive her.

"When is it ?"

"In a month, I was thinking in a few weeks we could go shopping for dresses, like we used to, you can even invite Dayton."

"Sure that would be great," I leaned back into Hunter, we sat around laughing until Hunter's phone buzzed, he looked at it then passed it to me. I turned to him confused the read the message. It was from Dayton.

Archer has some info about Av, come here bring Ava and Ty with you xx.

I passed back his phone just as the bell went.

"Let's get to class," Lizzie and Chloe quickly walked off and Vicky and Lincoln waited for us.

"Actually, I don't feel too good, Ty could you take me home ?" He watched me confused for a second then it clicked.

"Of course, guys I'll talk to you later," they nodded and left, I grabbed the boys hands and we made it to Hunter's Jeep. "You wanna start explaining ?"

"Archer has some Intel, we are going there to find out what it is," he seemed satisfied with that answer as he stayed quiet. When we arrived we all hopped out the car then walked inside to find Dayton and Archer in a hushed yet heated argument.

"What's going on ?" It was Tyler who spoke. Archer and Dayton shut up then, as usual, Archer looked at me.

"You want to tell them or should I?" Dayton glared at Archer but he wasn't paying attention.

"I have a source who has information about why the vampires are after Avalon," he looked to Hunter.

"That's great, right ?" Tyler was watching each face.

"But he wants something in return," Archer moved his gaze to the floor.

"Well what are you waiting for ? Give him what he wants," why was I the only one asking this ?

"He wants to see you," Everyone started shouting.

"Like hell he will!" Hunter screamed.

"Well he can kiss that option goodbye!" Tyler agreed with Dayton.

"When and where ?" Everyone froze at the sound of my voice before shouting in unison.

"WHAT?!?!" I ignored them and asked again.

"When and where ? I for one want to know why a bunch of crazed leeches are after me so either tell me when and where or I'll find out myself," everyone remained quiet just watching me "Well ?"

"A club, Divinus, it's a place for supernaturals to use their powers and not need to worry about humans finding out, he wants to meet tonight."

"Divinus ?" Tyler sat on one of the tables.

"It means godly in Latin, the owner named it as supernatural creatures have powers possessed by the gods." Archer sat down and was followed by the rest of us.

"So he wants to meet tonight ?" Kinda soon isn't it ?

"Yes, he's high up the social ladder and can only see us tonight, I say we get there by nine, so we can check it out for an hour to make sure its safe then meet up with Damien at ten."

"Who said we were going ?" Hunter stood up "How do you know this is isn't just a trap to get Avalon ? For all we know this could get us killed!"

"You know I would never let any of us get hurt, I'm doing what I think is best !" Archer got up and pushed Hunter back.

"Will the two of you cut it out! I say we have a group vote on this," Dayton glared at them until they sat down. "All those for going to the club ?" I raised my hand along with Ty, Dayton and Archer. "All those against ?" Hunter raised a hand. "Majority rule, we are going." Hunter glared.

"Okay, so how are we going to do this ? Ty and I aren't supernaturals," I sat back in my seat.

"We can dress you up, besides no one will touch you with us there," Dayton winked at Tyler which caused him to blush and us to laugh.

"Okay, it's five now so we have," Archer checked his watch "three hours till we have to leave," Dayton jumped up and dragged me upstairs with her, she dragged me into her room then started to pull out alot of clothing and threw it on the bed.

"What are you doing ?" I looked at some of the clothing and grimanced, it was almost all either lacey, black or skimpy.

"We are finding clothes for us to wear tonight," she was looking at a barely there red dress before putting it back. She moved over to the bed and picked up some clothes then threw them at me. "Get dressed."

"Yes sir," I gave her a mock salute and stripped off my red skater skirt and white vest, I picked up the jeans and pulled them on, once they were buttoned up I put on the top, if you could call it that, once I was dressed I looked in the mirror. The jeans were black and ripped and the top was a black lacey crop top that ended at the bottom of my ribs, I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't look like myself, I looked darker. I liked it.

"Wow, you look hot, let me do your make up and hair," she sat me down and started poking me with the make up brushes.

I sat their for an hour letting her fiddle with my make up and her straightening my hair. When she was done she gasped and wiped away a fake tear then quickly got changed into a tight black dress with a sweetheart neckline and cuts up the side, she somehow managed to make it not slutty. She put on some dark eye shadow and a gloss before pulling her hair to the side. I waited for her to finish before we both looked into the mirror together.

"We look hot," I gasped and touched the mirror, that can't be me, I looked so grown up and so, not me.

"Why do you sound so surprised Greene ?" She searched the bottom of the walk in wardrobe before coming back with heels and leather jackets to wear. "Here, put these on," I grabbed them and pulled them on, she also handed me a pair of fingerless gloves that completed the outfit, once done we took a few pictures and had a laugh.

"Girls you ready ? We're leaving in a minute !" Hunter called up and Dayton winked at me.

"Coming !" We walked to the top of the stairs when Dayton stopped us, I looked at her confused "I want to see the guys faces when you walk down so stay here till I call you."

"Okay," she walked down and heard them chatter for a few minutes before Dayton called. I smiled and walked downstairs to the guys.

Oh. My. Good. Gosh.

The boys jaws dropped, they looked me up and down. I caught a glimpse of Dayton filming and giggled.

"So you guys ready or not ?" They shook their heads and we walked to the garage, when we walked in Tyler stopped for a minute. "What's wrong Ty ?" I followed his gaze to see Archer's car.

"Who's car is that ?" He looked like he was angry a little.

"Archer's, I don't think he ever uses it thought, I haven't seen him drive it," he looked to Archer before getting on Dayton's bike behind her.

What was that about ?

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