Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes, squinting at the light. I heard some music from below turned up quite loud, I sat up slightly to see I was an unfamiliar bed, I was in a cabin by the looks of it. I sat up fully to see I was in the loft, I was still in my clothes from the club, I walked over to the railing to see three sofa's around a coffee table, to the left of the room a dinning table and chairs to the right. There was two beds up here, one double bed under the window with a window seat and the other double bed next to the railing. I started to cautiously walk downstairs to find a whole kitchen under the loft, a blonde girl, with her hair in a messy bun, in a baggy grey shirt and black shorts was jumping about to the beat making pancakes.

"Hello ?" She jumped in the air at the sound of my voice, looking startled.

"God you scared me, I'm Raine by the way," she wiped her hands on her shorts before shaking my hand. "You feeling okay ? You didn't look so good last night, I'm surprised you made it through the night."

"Tougher to kill then you think," she smiled and grabbed a few plates full of pancakes before putting them on the dining table. She put out a knife and fork for me along with sugar, choc chips, cream, strawberries and syrup.

"I didn't know what you'd like so..." I smiled at the effort, she seemed nice enough, and she was so bubbly I couldn't not like her.

"It's great, thank you," I sat down, put chocolate chips and cream on the pancake before trying some. "Mmm, this is great."

"Thanks," Raine smiled and we ate in silence for a while, I could tell she wanted answers so after my third pancake I turned to her.

"Okay, spill, I know you want to ask me stuff, so shoot," I sat back and crossed my arms.

"Direct approach, I like it, anyhow," Raine sat up properly and watched my actions carefully. "So last night my friend Jackson and I are at a club, drinking, dancing, the usual, then all of a sudden the club has turned into a riot and you are behind the bar throwing fire bombs with people trying to get to you, hell one guy even ran back into the burning building for you-"

"What ?" My blood ran cold and my face paled as I imagined one of the boys running into the place as it collapsed. "What did he look like ?"

"Tall, longish black hair and brown eyes, well built, hot," I held my breath as I asked my next question.

"Please tell me he got out okay," I really hoped Archer was alive, I couldn't handle him dying. Because he was trying get me made it hurt even more.

"The building collapsed on him," I let out a gasp as I felt a pang go through my heart. "I don't know if he got out or not," I felt a single tear roll down my cheek. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I-"

"Don't, what was your question?" She studied my face for a while before continuing.

"Why did it seem that everyone who attacked the bar wanted you, did they ?"

"Yes," Raine had turned serious and my emotions had just been flipped off for a while.

"Why ?"

"Everyone has enemies, mine are just more aggressive," I decided not to tell her or she might try and sell me to the vamps.

"Why do they hate you ?"

"I have something they want."

"What ?"

"It's a secret," She was looking me in the eye, as if to see if I was lying.

"How do I know I haven't just signed my death sentence?"

"You don't," Her eyed widened a little. "I'm not promising you will be fine after this because I cant promise that, what I can promise is you'll regret it of you kill me," she seemed to think that over for a while before nodding.

"I'm not going to kill you."

"Thank you," I smiled at her before grabbing another pancake and ripping a piece to eat. "So, what are you ?"

"Excuse me ?"

"Please, Divinus was an all supernatural club, and I know your not a vampire or you would have attacked me last night like the rest of them had, so what are you ?"

"Witch," she smiled and it was like the bubbly Raine was back.

"Well could we continue the conversation later ? I kinda need a shower to wash the blood off my neck, for the second time this month, do you have any clothes i can change into ?"

"Sure, I'll grab some and put them on the bed."

"Thanks," I got up then made my way to the bathroom which was next to the kitchen.

"Wait, you never told me your name," I stopped half way to the bathroom to look back at Raine.

"Avalon Greene," I got into the shower and turned the water on full heat.

Then and only then did I let the tears fall.

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