Chapter 33: #FML.

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Willow could hear loud banging coming on the door as she forced her eyes open. She furrowed her eyes at the door and put her hand out to grab her phone from the side table. Her eyes widened when she looked at her screen glaring back at her, showing that it was still five in the morning on top of that it was Saturday!

Willow turned over, making up her mind that it was better to ignore the banging and go back to sleep.

As Willow turned, she felt the warm arm wrapped around her pulling her closer to him. That is when she remebered how Rowan had volunteered to sleep with her, her cheeks heated up.

Willow shut her eyes as her heartbeat paced up. It did more so when the banging on the door got more intense.

Willow wondered what sort of evil person would disrupt her time with Rowan.

Knowing that it wouldn't stop, Willow slowly sat up, she pushed her comforter away. Willow gently pulled Rowan's arm off her only to be pulled back, making her yelp. Her frantic eyes meeting dazed golden eyes.

"Hey." Willow said nervously.

"Where are you going?"

Willow pointed at the door. "I have to save the door before it is broken down."

Rowan blinked at the door before turning to Willow. "That's Lark outside. We can just ignore him," Said Rowan. "Or throw him outside."

That little piece of shit. Willow took a deep breath watering her anger down. "I'd like to go with that, the second one."

"Okay then." Smiled Rowan, taking Willow's breath away. "Whatever you wish for."

Willow just nodded, unable to and unwilling to take away the image of Rowan with his perfect bed hair, smiling at her lazily.

Rowan, ignorant about what he just put on Willow got off the bed and here's towards the door. He pulled the door open. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too." Said Lark, his eyes then narrowing. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"This is my mate's room."

"Are you sure she—"


"Anyway," Lark extended his arm. "Here."

Willow got off the bed and walked over to Rowan and Lark.

"What sort of weapon is this?" Said Rowan. Willow craned her neck to get a better look at what he was holding. Her eyes widened and she glared at Lark.

"Why would you do that?" Willow sneered.

"I had to get it off, how is it my fault that they are so stubborn?"

"You didn't have to break my bobby pins!"

"You can have more of them crafted, don't throw a tantrum." Lark scoffed.

One can lose Bobby pins but one shouldn't break them. Breaking bobby pins should be made illegal!

"You should own up to your mistakes!"

"This prince does not commit mistakes!" Yelled Lark.

Willow narrowed her eyes, before she could retort, Lark shoved his arm forward before looking away. Willow raised her brow.

"Take it!" Lark shoved something hard in her hand before walking away. "This does not prove that I'm at fault. I just had it prepared beforehand because I knew that you would throw a tantrum."

Willow was left speechless. She had never met a person with pride as big as a dinosaur. She turned to look at Rowan with her eyes wide.

"What's wrong with him?"

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