Chapter 24: Living in Hell Be Like: (Part I)

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{A Year Back}

A squeak left Willow's lips the moment she fell, in order to avoid falling face first on the ground, she held her hands out to avoid hurting her nose, but she ended up hurting her knees with a loud 'bang'. Willow shut her eyes tightly to avoid her eyes from pricking with tears at the intense pain that shot up from her knees.

Willow had been walking down the when she fell. She was sure there was nothing in her path and one can't just trip from air.

Willow turned her head back, scrunching her eyebrows to frown at the person who tripped her but she regretted it the very moment. Hunter stood behind her, his eyes which were staring at her were filled hatred. Such intense hatred that Willow felt like his eyes could burn through her.

When she saw his look , she wondered if he was staring at his enemy instead of Willow? She was sure she was the only one on the ground and in his line of sight.

Willows heart ached at the hate filled eyes. She didn't know why she was suddenly attracted to Hunter. Sure he was very handsome and she might have had been drawn to him were it not for his personality, but what she now felt wasn't just a crush, she felt like they were long lost lovers and she knew that the books she had started reading were at fault.

Just thinking about that made Willow feel like she was crazy. She decided to blame it on life. It was human nature to be attracted to something or someone beautiful.

"Such a klutz." The way Hunter said it filled with so much disgust, made Willow's eyes pool with tears, making Willow wonder if she was on her period. Willow wasn't a clumsy person in general. She couldn't even remember the last time she had fallen.

What did Hunter expect from the person he had purposely tripped? For them to flip on their back and land back on their feet? Willow was sure she couldn't do that.

Hunter side stepped and walked away, his friends following after him. The moment he was far away, the hallway which had been deathly silent, came back to life.

"Hey, are you okay?" Willow looked up to find Jamie-Ray, standing in front of her, his hands stretched out to help her up.

Willow smiled as she accepted his help to stand up. "I'm good."

"I'm sorry about that." Said Jamie-Ray, making Willow wonder how in the world did he end up being friends with Hunter.

"It's fine. I have to go. Thank you though."

Willow stopped short when she took a few steps. "Thank you, for the other day." Melody had informed her that it was JR, who had found her in the library. She owed it to him, or else she would have had been left there, as a corpse probably.

"No worries, it was my job."

Willow knew that were it not for Melody, she would have had developed a crush on JR. She was sure that Melody had a crush on JR, though she denies it, but Willow had often seen Melody steal glances at JR.

Willow didn't want anything to come in between their friendship.

Willow continued to walk to her first class which was Biology, brushing away what had happened just minutes ago with Hunter.

But little did she know that Hunter had just inaugurated the opening ceremony of her stay in Hell.

That night, as she was about to go to sleep, she felt a light pain in her lower abdomen, making her wonder if something was wrong with her cycle. But it grew, at a very fast pace, till she was left a screaming mess.

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