Chapter 16: Girlfriend?

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Rowan blinked. Willow blinked back, but hers was more aggressive. She pursed her lips as she glared at Rowan.

She was mad, very mad. 'Cross' as Rowan would like to put it. She was cross that Rowan had ignored her the whole week and now here he was flirting with Lana Nelson.

"I'll take you home." Said Rowan. "Come on." The idea seemed tempting. For Rowan to take her back home, but—

"No. You're not taking me anywhere." Just to make sure he understood, she added. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Willow." Groaned Rowan. "You're drunk. Come with me."

"I'm not drunk." Said Willow. "Seriously! You don't believe me do yo—why are you making that face?"

It was true though she wasn't drunk, she might have had some sips of the unnamed alcohol, but that was it, she just felt a lot more confident than she always does. It's not like she was going to post her credit card password on Twitter or she wasn't going to get married to a random guy on the street. No. To do that, it would take a lot more alcohol.

Rowan still held the 'Do you think of me as an idiot?' face. Willow pinched his nose to make him stop making that face.

"Hey! Let go." Said Rowan as he pried her hands away from his face. "Not the face."

"Not the face?" Willow paused. "Not. The. Face? Are you kidding me? You have not given me any face for the past few day and you dare talk about face?"

"I'm sorry to cut this short," said Michael, who was standing behind Willow. "You both know each other, don't you?"


"No I don't know him. I don't want to know him either."

Michael ignored Willow as he said to Rowan. "I hope you drop her at her place—do you know where she lives?"

"I live in her house, so yes."

"What? You live in her house? Like for real." Michael paused. "Whatever, I have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Right. I don't even exist. Go on, continue. I don't mind."

"I would've loved to but I gotta go now." Here was Michael, and now gone. Before he appeared again. "Are you sure you haven't seen Hunter?"

"I haven't." Willow lied, without missing a beat. "Why do you insist I know where he is?"

"You kind of smell like him."

Willow froze, before yelling. How did Michael even smell her? "Pervert!"

Willow felt Rowan who was standing in front of her, he stiffened as he sniffed.

"Sorry, you haven't seen him. Bye."

This time, he was gone. Gone for good.

"Willow." Said Rowan after what seemed like years, staring at her with his luminous golden eyes, making her heart skip a beat. "Come, let's get you home." He stretched his hand out.

Her hand, as if it had a very own mini brain, placed itself oh his palm.

Willow pulled back her hand the moment their hands touched. Why? Static current why? But thankfully it snapped her back, she was still cross at Rowan.

Rowan can't ignore her for a week and now come here and act like he had never gone through the ignoring phase. She wouldn't accept it.

"So you're gonna use beauty trap now?" Asked Willow. "I'm sorry but it wont work."

"Rowan?" Called out a sweet familiar voice. Willow looked at Lana who stood behind Rowan with her eyes green wide open.

"Ah," Said Rowan, as if remembering that she was still there. "Llama."

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