Chapter 28

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I park my car at the end of the long driveway. "Who's house is this again" Sam asked. "Zoe's" I said taking my keys out of the ignition.
"You ready to go in" I questioned undoing my seatbelt. "Yeah" she replied mirroring my actions.

We step out of my car and I lock it before we walk up the driveway and into the house. Zoe's house is pretty big and spacious, there's A LOT of people here.

I walk in the front door to be immediately surrounded by a crowd of people. Many had drinks in their hand while there was a small group of people dancing.

"You want a drink" I said over my shoulder. "Yeah, surprise me" Sam smiled. I nodded and walked towards the kitchen whilst Sam sat down on a couch.

The kitchen wasn't overly packed but still had a decent amount of people scattered around it. I go over to the makeshift bar and make some sort of cocktail with some vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice before grabbing myself a beer and walking back to Sam.

"Here you go" I said handing her the cup and sitting down beside her. The music was loud but not to the point where you couldn't hear someone who was right beside you.

"Beer pong in the basement" Zoe said patting my shoulder. I look round at her as if to say 'I'm chillin here' before she shook her head "get your fat ass up and come down" she added. "Beer pong it is then Sam" I said standing up.

I only played one game and won by one cup, pretty close if you ask me.
"Ok strip beer pong 2v2" Zoe called out to everyone clearly tipsy. I'm definitely sitting this game out.

"Come on Karin up you get, give the ladies a show" Erin heckled.
Everyone laughed. I smiled embarrassed, and shook my head.
"It's a no go for me" I laughed.

"Come on it's only a game" Zoe chimes in. "I don't have a partner anyway, can't play the game without one" I made up an excuse.

"Sam will be your partner, won't you Sam" Erin looks at her expectedly. "You don't have to, it's just a game don't feel pressured into it" I looked her in the eye.

"It's fine I'll play" she replied. The room started cheering. "Nice one Sam" Zoe gave her a pat/slap on the back.

"Ok up first is me and Caleb vs Sam and Karin, winner stays on" Zoe yelled so everyone could hear. I took my position at my side of the table. Everyone crowded round waiting for Zoe to throw her ball.

Pretty much the rules of the game are if your partner misses then you have to take an item of clothing off, so if your partner sucks ass then your most likely to be completely naked by the end of the game. And if the team your playing against scores they pick who takes an item of clothing off out of you and your partner.

Zoe sinks her ball into the first cup. "Hmm Karin" she points at me. I take my jacket off and set it to the side. Sam throws her first ball and sinks it. "Caleb" she says fixing her hair, he takes off his jacket leaving it on the couch.

Caleb throws his ball and misses causing Zoe to take her shoes off. I throw my ball and it lands in a cup. "Caleb" I call out. He takes his shoes off and pushes them under his side of the table.

Zoe throws her second ball landing it in a cup. "Karin" damn this bitch is out to get me. I took my shoes off and kicked them over onto my jacket. I throw my ball and miss, I internally scold myself and turn to look at Sam apologetically.

She takes her shoes off and sets them beside mine. Caleb throws his ball and misses again. Zoe rolls her eyes and groans before taking her socks off. Sam throws her ball and misses. I'm trying to play as safe as I can so I take my socks off and throw them into the corner.

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