Chapter 25

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It's been a few days since the night at the party. And the whole Sam situation. It's been a tiny bit awkward, I think it's because she was a bit drunk when it happened.
Maybe something she regrets.

I've just been pretending it never happened, mainly because Sam seems to be doing that so I am too I guess. Seems to be my only option at the minute. She's been a bit distant too I hope I haven't ruined our friendship.

I have my first game back from injury after the school day is finished and I can't wait, I haven't been able to sit still all day. I'm currently in last period and there's only a few minutes until the final bell.

I put my books in my bag and as I'm zipping it up the bell goes. The excitement is radiating off of me. I pull my bag onto my back and head to the stadium locker room.
(These are only used for matches)

I walk in with my beats on low volume and sit under where my number is placed above a cubby. We all have one assigned to each player. I pull my gear out of my bag and get changed into my kit before lacing my boots up.

Coach comes in once everyone is ready and gives us a semi-long team talk, she also goes over tactics and player markers before we head out to the field.

We got out onto the pitch and the opposing teams captain and I got called to the centre circle by the ref for the coin toss.

"Alright ladies, heads or tails" she said looking at me. "Tails" I replied leaving the other captain with heads. She flipped the coin up letting it land on the grass before picking it up.

"Tails it is, kick off or switch sides" she asked motioning to the ball. Tails never fails I guess. "Kick off thanks" I said with a smile.

We both ran back to our teams to give any last words of advice and team chants.

We huddled in tight. "Come on girls this is our game to win, have that winning mentality, be respectful but show no mercy we need this win to get up into second place" I said looking around at everyone. "Win your first tackle and make sure it's a hard one, show them we're not walk overs and we're a better team that will win the game" I added.

"Eagles on three" I said before counting down. "One" "two" "three"! "EAGLES" we all screamed in unison before getting into position. The referee blew the whistle and I passed back to Zoe.

The first half has been rough, some girls aren't switched on and are letting their standards drop its pissing me off. Some of the passes being played are complete lost causes and aren't to feet at all.

Half times been and gone there's around 15 minutes left and the score is still 0-0 the opposition have had a few breakaways but they haven't been able to finish them.

Erin passes the ball out wide to Sophie and I make a run Sophie passes to Zoe who overlapped her and I position myself at the edge of the 18 yard box trying not to crowd it.

Zoe crosses the ball in and I hit it first time on the volley, the ball sails into the bottom corner and the crowd erupts into cheers.

My teammates come running at me and dog pile on top of me. My team dropped back a bit deeper to defend our lead making clearances when needed. The final whistle blew and we'd won the game 1-0. I felt pumped, it was my first game back, I got the game winning goal and player of the match all in one game.

I sat down on the grass and took my shin guards out and unlaced my boots before laying on my back and closing my eyes. After a brief minute I felt a shadow cast over me I open my eyes to see the other teams captain.

"I have to give it to you, not once did you give us a chance to get back in the game after that goal" she said.

I chuckled "yeah we can be a bit ruthless when we want to be". "I'm Casey by the way" she stuck her hand out to help me up. "Karin" I said grabbing her hand as she pulled me to my feet.

"Casey come on we've gotta go!" One of her teammates yelled. "Guess that's my cue cutie I'll see you around" she strutted off with her friend.

Geez not another girl hitting on me why can't they all just chill for 5 minutes I groaned internally. Bitches be bonkers sometimes. I gathered my stuff and headed back to the locker rooms.

"Hey Karin, Zoe's having a party tonight to celebrate the win I'll expect you'll be there" Erin called out before she left the locker room leaving me to myself.

I rubbed my face before changing into some grey Nike sweat shorts and a cyan coloured Nike T-shirt.
I put my white airforce on and headed out to my car. I put my bag in the trunk and head home.

I pull into the parking garage and head up to my apartment. It took a while to unlock the door cause my keys were in the bottom of my bag. I do that every time and still haven't learnt my lesson.

I open my door and walk in leaving my bag near the couch. I take my shoes off and set them there too. All of a sudden I hear a noise coming from the bathroom or my bedroom.

I quietly start to walk towards them when I hear another noise, it definitely sounded like it was coming from the bedroom. My door is wide open which is weird because I always have it closed.

I walk in and look about when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly grab the arm and spin around pinning whoever it is against the wall.

"Jesus Karin it's me" Sam yells out. "What're you doing in here" I yell back out of breath. I drop her arms to her side before taking a step back. "Why're you so on edge" she says loudly.

"On edge!?, I thought someone had broken into my apartment and was about to kill me!" I say exasperatedly. "Sorry" she apologised.

"Why are you here anyway" I said going into the bathroom and turning the shower on. "I came to see if you were going to the party later" she said sitting down on my bed.

"And you couldn't have just called or text me that" I questioned going into my closet and picking out a fresh T-shirt for later. I peeked my head out of the door awaiting an answer.

"Well yes, but I thought you might want to see me" she replied simply.
"Well alright then, that's fine I guess" I said grabbing a pair of black ripped jeans.

"I'm going for a shower, feel free to stay as long as you want I shouldn't be too long" I added before walking into the bathroom and getting into the shower.

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