Chapter 10

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Karins pov

All of the books that I need for the day are in my bag and I head to my first class of the day which according to my schedule should be math with Miss Boyle.

I walk in and I must be late because everyone is already in their seats with books out in front of them doing some equations. My eyes scan around the room for a free seat, this class must be full because there is only 1 free and it's beside the one and only Sam Evans.

Oooo I think I'm gonna fucking love this class. "Sorry I'm late Miss Boyle" I nodded my head towards her as I sat down in my chair. I got my books out and set them on the table. My books are out but my only problem is I have no pencil with me.

I decided that I'm going to fail this class anyway so I may as well just put my earphones in and listen to some music to pass the time. I fold my arms, close my eyes and lean back in my chair as the sweet sound of Noah Kahan, Carlo's song flows around my head.

Halfway through the song I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, I opened my eyes to see Sams staring back at me with a confused expression. Quickly I pulled out my earphones and gave her my full attention.

"Ah miss Evans how may I help you today" I said half heartedly causing her to give off a light chuckle. "Well Karin may I ask you why your not participating in class this time" she mimicked my tone with a slight smile at the end of her words.

"Oh you see miss Evans it seems that I have forgotten to bring a pencil with me to class" I shrugged my shoulders. "Here you go you idiot" she said lightly slamming one on the desk in front of me. "Feisty today aren't you" I joked. "Just for you" she sarcastically smiled.

Well I can officially let you know that from now on I shall be attending every math class. And if you haven't caught on by now I am bisexual and have the biggest high school crush on the one and only Sam Evans.

So to skip out the boring stuff we will now fast-forward to the end of school because nothing else that will have an impact on my life happens during my other classes. Apart from some sort of learning I manage to do.

I get in my car and begin my drive back home. I'm not rich but all of those summer jobs and little part-time things over the past few years were definitely worth it. I bought my car, which is a BMW 4 series and it's a turquoise colour. No I did not pay to get my car a new paint job it was already like that when I bought it.

I park in the driveway and shut the engine off. Let's just say my home life isn't the best and I actually dread going home than going to school half of the time. I get my keys out and unlock the front door, instantly getting moaned at and I've only walked through the god damn door.

"Karin, that room of yours is a pit, get it cleaned now or I swear to god you'll regret it if you don't" my dad demanded. I internally sigh and trudge up to my room at a deathly slow pace. My room isn't even messy there's just a pile of laundry that I need to put in the wash and a few pairs of shoes that need put away.

I drop my bag by the door before tidying my 'pit of a room'. It didn't even take 5 minutes to do that either. It's around 5 now so I head downstairs to make me and my dad dinner.

It's just me and my dad that live here if your wondering. My mom passed away when I was 11 years old in a car crash.
All three of us were in the car at the time, we were coming home from one of my soccer games.

We got totalled by a drunk driver who ran a red light, my dad blames what happened to us on me, because if it weren't for my soccer game we wouldn't have got hit and my mom wouldn't have passed away.

I still carry the guilt with me everyday, my dad just likes to get drunk and make it worse by slurring the most outrageous things at me. That's not all he does. He hits me... and yes it's something I don't like to share with many people, just my close friends.

"I'm going to make dinner now, are you hungry dad?" I called out to him as I walked into the kitchen. "Yes, now hurry it up before I do some damage!" he yelled back at me.

I internally sighed and prepared our meal. I made some mac & cheese with mashed potatoes, chicken and a cheese sauce. I set the table and put the plates out before pouring my dad a glass of red wine.

He specifically asked for a glass of red wine with every meal we have past lunch time, so that includes dinner and anything after that.

I sat down in my chair and ate silently, the only sound that echoed throughout the kitchen was our knives and forks scraping against the plates.

"How was school?" My dad asked. "Ehm it was alright" I replied simply. "That's it just alright, not good not terrible just alright" he added. "Yes dad if it was good I'd tell you!" I snapped. He can be so pushy, not like I want to tell him about my personal and school life.

If he ever found out I was basically gay he'd murder me with his bare hands and ditch me in the woods where I'd never be found. He's a hardcore 'Christian' and it's against his beliefs, even though he acts like he's a satanist.

Not like it's any of his business anyways. "Well you see Karin you are my daughter and I want to know how your doing at school" he raised his voice slightly.

"Why would you care how schools going, all you do is use me as a maid who cleans the house and cooks dinner, before you use me as a punch bag at the end of the night so you can go to bed satisfied!" I screamed.

He slammed his fist on the table as he said "how dare you talk to me that way, I am your father, I brought you into this world"

"No mom did not you!" I yelled back. "And look how you repay her, by taking her out of it you ungrateful fucker, your the reason why she's gone, YOU, and no one else" he stood up abruptly his chair falling behind him.

Tears began to sting the back of my eyes as I tried to hold back my emotions. I dropped my knife and fork back onto my plate and ran up to my bedroom. I hate this house and I can't stand him and how stubborn he is.

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