Chapter 14: Hell

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Ga Eul felt sick. She felt nauseous, her head was pounding loudly and her chest felt as if an elephant was currently sitting on top of it. Her eyes were red and her nose was stuffy. Was she really sick? Did she happen to catch a cold?

"No." Ga Eul thought to herself while gazing at the mirror. She'd spent the entire night bawling her eyes out on her bed. There were traces of tissues hidden under her bed mainly because she did not want her mother or her father to know that things had gone so bad the past night out with Yi Jeong.

Her mother had come knocking at her door that morning and Ga Eul had told her she had not been feeling well. Her mother hadn't said much simply touched her forehead and then she nodded.

"You can stay home." She had told her.

Whether her mother had actually believed that she was sick or not Ga Eul did not really care. She didn't want to go to school. Both Jan Di and Jae Kyung had been calling her nonstop for the past three hours but Ga Eul did not want to answer questions from anyone. She'd made up her mind that if Yi Jeong did not want to see her she was not going to force him. But he had just gone to far and she truly now wanted nothing to do with him.

Remembering what he'd said to her and what had happened Ga Eul shut her eyes tightly. Forcing tears to stay inside her not wanting to cry anymore. Her throat was dry and she had no strength to keep crying any longer. There was a knock on her window and Ga Eul looked up to see Jae Ha and Ariel. By the look Ariel gave her Ga Eul knew that Jae Ha had told her something had happened between her and Yi Jeong again.

She didn't want them to know just yet. Though she stayed out with Jae Ha she had not spoken much about what happened and knew had she told Jae Ha he would no doubt go in search of Yi Jeong and Ga Eul did not want that. Forcing a teary smile Ga Eul moved to her window, opening it and allowing her friends to come in.

"We come bearing gifts," Ariel whispered. In her hand, she had a large basket. Jae Ha had his school bag and both he and Ariel were in their school uniform.

"Your parents?" Jae Ha questioned.

"Dads at work and my mom. She went out for the day to visit a friend."

"Great. Lets set up in the living room." Ariel spoke with a smile.

"I'll go." Jae Ha spoke heading out of Ga Eul's room and closing the door behind him leaving Ariel and Ga Eul alone.

For a moment it was silent Ga Eul could not really speak she didn't want to say anything to her friend at the moment what could she say.

"It'll be alright Ga Eul." Ariel whispered.

"You know. Whatever it is you chose to do from now on I'll also take your side. Even if it means losing new friends and a few newfound family members." Taking Ga Eul's hand Ariel continues to speak.

"You're my sister and you and Jae Ha are the most important people in my life after my parents. I have your back and so does Jae Ha. We're here for you." Ariel speaks.

Moved by her friend's words Ga Eul smiles while tears fall from her eyes. She knows how much Ariel cares for the boys and Jan Di and Jae Kyung. Ga Eul also knows that Ariel and Ji Hoo are starting to have something special. She would never ask Ariel to give that up but the sentiment does count and it makes Ga Eul feel warmth.

"Thank you." Ga Eul whispers hugging Ariel as tears fall from her eyes.

"But I'm not asking you to pick sides."

"I know. I just kind of already have." Ariel shrugs.

"Besides I don't see them all the time as you do avoiding them is easy," Ariel tells her.

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