All I Had

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"Why are you here?" I asked widening my eyes.

This couldn't be happening.

"To see you. I missed you"

"I didn't. You can go" I said.

"Gordon, can you get out for a few seconds so we can talk?" Ryder told him, his eyes never leaving me.

Gordon sighed and left the room closing the door behind him.

"So now kidnapping me isn't enough!?" I asked jumping out of the bed, "You have to make my life hell too!?"

"Amara it's just your brother. You don't need to act like that"

I froze in disbelief and my jaw dropped.

I don't need to act like that.

"Okay, sorry" I mumbled and went out of the room.

He was right. I didn't need to act like a brat.

Ryder led me to the living room and there was Gordon, my beloved brother.

"Hi" I said quietly.

"Hey" He smiled saying, "How are you?"

"I'm okay. How are you?"

This was so awkward.

"I'm good"

"Will you take me back home?" I mumbled.

"Aww no Amy, I'm sorry. I only came here to see you"

I looked up at Ryder who was sitting next to me.

"Why won't he take me home?" I whispered because I didn't trust my voice. I wanted to cry. I felt so vulnerable seeing both of them together.

"I'm sorry baby, you need to stay here for a while. It's for your own good" Ryder said stroking my hair.

Baby. Pft

I didn't pull away from Ryder's gentle touch. I needed comfort even for a little. I need to feel that someone cared.

"Are mom and dad looking for me?" I asked turning back to Gordon.

"Like crazy" He chuckled lightly, "Oh and look what I brought you" He said taking a box out of his pocket and handing it to me.

That was my glasses.

"Thank you" I told him and he smiled.

"Let me know if you need anything else. I have to go now" He stood up and waved at me awkwardly.

We didn't move from the couch even after he left. Ryder kept stroking my hair and I relaxed letting my eyes close.

I shouldn't trust them. I shouldn't forgive them that easily. I didn't know if I wanted to forgive them. I wish we could be like the old times, but something stopped me from forgiving them. I guess I was still angry.

For now, I wanted to just sleep it all off.


You'd think I was bored in a room full of nothingness.

But I wasn't.

My mind was occupied by all kinds of thoughts about all kinds of things with my main thoughts being about Ryder.

I didn't know how to act with him. I had missed him so much. I wanted to hug him and tell him how much I had missed him, but I couldn't.

I shouldn't

He had changed so much since the last time I saw him. The only thing that stayed the same was his dark brown eyes and hair. His form was much bigger and more muscular now. He had always worked out, but I guess he did that a lot more regularly now.

Needless to say when I said he was ugly before, that was a fat lie.

For some reason it seemed easier to forgive my brother. I guess his absence never really bothered me since I was used to it. I was just a little upset that he decided to acknowledge me now.

I wonder if he can manage his anger now.

Ryder was all I had when I was little though. Of course I had my parents, but I never really made any good friends, so after Ryder left, all I did was study and draw or scroll through apps.

I just existed.

Suddenly the door opened interrupting my thoughts and startling me.


Ryder. Of course, who else could it be?

"Hi" I greeted.

"How are you?" He asked walking into the room.

"I'm okay"

"You know, I was thinking maybe we could go outside? Like, for a walk or to get something to eat"

I raised an eyebrow, "Do you really trust me enough for that?" I asked.

"I don't want you to feel pressured. I don't want you to feel like I'm hurting you because I'm really not. I'm only trying to protect you" He said frowning.

"Why? Why now? Why do you care now?" I asked shaking my head.

I wasn't trying to talk back. I just wanted to know.

"I always cared. From the moment you were born up till now"

"Then why did you leave without telling me? I understand, I understand any reason why you had to go, but why didn't you say goodbye?"

"I didn't want to see you sad"

"But that made it worse!"

"I'm sorry. I understand you're mad at me-"

"I'm not" I interrupted him standing up and walking towards him, "I'm just a little upset and I'm not used to your presence. I don't feel that comfortable around you anymore and it makes me sad"

I thought his expression looked like he was in pain for a second but I was probably seeing things.

"You'll get used to it again. I promise" He said with a subtle smile.

I used to love his smile when I was younger. I always thought it was so dreamy and perfect. I still do.

"So do you accept my offer?" He asked.

"But I'm supposed to be missing. What if someone recognizes me?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that"

"Plus I have nothing to wear-"

"You'll wear my clothes, just like right now"

"Your clothes are way too big on me" I rolled my eyes.

To be honest, they were incredibly comfy and they smelled like him.

I'll stop, I sound like a weirdo

"Even better, that way you won't be recognized" He said waiting for my response as I crossed my arms and sighed, "Come on!" He urged me.

"Okay fine" I smiled at him and he smiled back even brighter.

"Be down in ten minutes" He said and left the room.

Ten minutes.

Well, since I don't have to fix my hair, do my makeup and choose what to wear, ten minutes were more than enough.

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