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Just a quick note guys: 

Not alll of you will like her attitude in the first chapters but I swear that her character development is absolutely amazing. Please don't leave this book and give up on it after the first few chapters :) 

Thank you 

 Statistics: February 2015 

Top 5 countries who read Beauty, Roses and Attitudes

1. USA - 67% (Love you guys so much <3) 

2. Philippines -9% (Ayyyeeeee) 

3. UK -6% (Thank youuuu so effin much) 

4. Australia - 4% (Omg I *.* thank you)

5. Denmark - 2% (yaaaaaas) 



"This is not the right shade I wanted, Lia." I'm sure that the glare that I'm currently transmitting towards the poor girl was enough to kill someone. She bows her head even more, shrinking her size as if that would help her situation. "I'm sorry Annabelle, but that's the closest they had in the store." She mutters quietly. I groan, stomping my foot on the marble ground. "Then find another store that sells the right shade! Jesus Christ, you're useless." She looks up to me then bows her head to dismiss herself.

Rolling my eyes at the stupid maid, I turn towards the living room entrance way. Before I could sit down on the couch, the doorbell rang its melodious sound. The doorbell does not ring very often. It only produces a sound when my father comes here-which is like once a year-or when my tutor comes to teach me. My servants all use the backdoor.

"Anna? Where are you, darling?" It was Fiona, my tutor. She has taught me ever since I could remember. She's the only one from the outside world that is allowed to step foot in my mansion, technically my father's but he doesn't even visit very often. I've declared it mine now.

"Right here, Fiona." I answer her. A few seconds later, she sits down in front of me, offering me a small smile. "Good afternoon, Annabelle. Did you wake up nicely today?" It was a routine of ours to ask about each other's day before we start with the boring part of her visit. I've always asked about what she sees and hears every time she's on her way to see me. She always answers politely and detailed making my imagination run freely. She even went to an extent to take different routes to her journey here just so that I could broaden my knowledge of her route to my house even more.

"I woke up fine today. I expected my favorite breakfast on my bedside table but the maid was running late. What about you? How did your morning go?" After telling me that her morning consisted of her son waking her up with the aroma of freshly baked bread and to his loud singing, we got to work.

She has a son. I never remembered her having a small baby bump through her years of teaching me so her son must have been born before me. She tells me stories about him and it was mostly of him making a fool of himself. I've always laughed at his wild imaginations. Although I've always thought that he was stupid and out of his mind, he was the only source of my entertainment through his mother, of course. His name was Adam.

Fiona taught me a lot of things. It was mostly about the core subjects but there are times that she would gladly teach me how to play the piano. Being the billionaire daughter that I am, I instructed someone to have a huge piano installed in one of the rooms.

"So turn to page 30 and we'll start from the-" She coughs, covering her mouth with both hands. "Excuse me my dear." She laughs, patting her chest softly. "Are you okay?" I've learnt that it was only common courtesy to ask when someone looks sickly. "I'm fine; it's only a small cough." I accepted her response and finally turned to page 30.


Hello daydreamers! Because I've finished my last series(Adoptionseries), I've decided to startnew one! This is the first book to my new series 'ReversedRoles' think you guys would catch on to what it means as you progress through the story :) hope you guys enjoy!

Stay pretty my day dreamers! Unless you're dude! Then stay handsome!





Beauty, Roses and Attitude (The First Book of The Reversed Roles Series)Where stories live. Discover now