Chapter 11

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I got no chill in this chapter. 

I'm so sorry for the long wait but here you go! 

Chapter 11

Seeing your father who you haven’t seen for a very long time should have warmed my heart and filled myself with absolute bliss while so.

But as I stare into his cold and unwelcoming eyes, I immediately felt the chills running up and down my spine, something that will surely haunt m dreams again. Also, judging from the tension inside the room, no one would’ve guessed that we are even remotely related if not for our very similar hair and eye colour. They’re the only things that I’ve come to inherit from him.

“Annabelle.” His tone somewhat the most gentle I’ve heard today but there was still a chilling effect to it. He sits down on the chair, dismissing Cole and Luis with the faintest of nods. The two lingered hesitantly for a while before he glared at them and the left, shutting the door behind them.

“Father.” My voice is monotone as I sit parallel him. “I wasn’t informed that you were visiting today.” I hope my voice didn’t quiver. Every single mistake or slip up I do will always be noticed by him.

He then stares at the fully with distaste. “Why are you filthy?” I look down at myself to see one small stain on my clothes. It looks like a coffee stain from the café. My hair on the other hand did feel a bit rougher from the wind and all of the running I’ve done, making my usually perfectly styles hair look its natural wavy state. I quite like it.

“I’ve been cleaning my room.” Lying is not a very sensible option right now and I could’ve have chosen a better lie but I’ve got to at least try. What else do I have to lose? Being in the same room as him is basically death itself.  

He immediately scoffs, quickly crossing his right leg over his left. A position I’ve learned and saw as intimidating.

“Don’t you even start with such bullshit, Annabelle.” I let out a small sigh.

“Before you lash out on me, I’d like to tell you my purpose of leaving the man-“He cuts me off.

“So you did leave?!” Crap. I straightened my posture before continuing.

“I left for the day and I’m completely fine!” I argue.

“That is not the point. You disobeyed the rules. You could’ve been hurt or worse, exposed to everyone!” Of course that was what he was worried about. Words cannot describe how much that sentence struck me. I know that he doesn’t really care of my well-being, I know that already but it still pains me.

I take a deep breath before standing up.

“Am I not old enough to make my own decisions?! It’s about time I left this house to explore what the outside world has to offer! You can’t just keep me here forever! You tried to do that and look at where we are right now. I escaped and I could do that over and over again and there’s no one stopping me!”

There was a pause between us before he slowly and darkly chuckles, remaining seated and his posture looking so relaxed but when you really look at him, you can see a small vein protruding from his right temple. “You are a child, Annabelle. You don’t know what kind of danger the outside world will inflict upon you.” He always did have the tendency to talk as if he was in a business meeting to everyone even to me.

“Is it really danger you’re afraid of me facing.” I didn’t care now. My fists are tightly balled up and I looked down to hide my red eyes. “Or is it the media and the people finding out that you have me?”

Beauty, Roses and Attitude (The First Book of The Reversed Roles Series)Where stories live. Discover now