Random notice

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This story may inspire u to hit up random strangers' number but honestly this is a fanfic and doesn't work like that in real life. A reader messaged me about how few years ago the same thing happened to her and the guy was all funny and sweet and understanding and they talked for hours but then he turned out to be a fifty year old douchebag with three kids and a crazy wife and how she suffered because of it so beware 😔😔 I don't have the right to tell you what to do and what not but there are all kind of people out there so just be safe and you know sending people nudes and getting comfy with them right away might not be the best idea 😔

Enjoy the rest 😔✊


Let me also explain what happened with Jimin and Taehyung and how are they still friends what with that toxic promise/deal shiz.
So Jimin was in love with a girl. Taehyung thought she was selfish and just to show Jimin he was right, slept with her. After the damage was done, he realised his mistake and apologised to Jimin. Jimin loved the girl and couldn't forgive Taehyung just like that so he made a deal with him. That he would forgive him as if nothing happened between them but still take away every girl that Taehyung falls for just to take revenge for what he had done to him. Taehyung never wanted this, but he understood how hurt Jimin was so he let him do it, in the hope that someday Jimin will stop or he would find a girl who would stay loyal to him no matter how much effort Jimin put in.
Y/n turned out to be that girl and Jimin also realised his mistake.

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