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You thought they would leave you alone at school now that they knew you weren't lying.

You were wrong.

If anything, things had gotten worse.

Whenever you'd enter your home room class, you'd find your class fellows together in a group whispering and as soon as they would see you, they would get back to their seats and force smiles, directed at you.

Junmi, on the other hand was unable to force such smiles. She had been glaring at you for a day straight and today it looked like she would snap.

"Stop!" you heard her voice while returning back from P.E, in an empty corridor.

You turned around, raising an eyebrow and found her standing there with three of her side kicks.

"I know!"

"Everybody does" you rolled your eyes.

"Not about Taetae. I'm talking about Hoseok. I know you have a crush on him"

"That too. Everybody except him knows. But sadly, it's in the past now. You can..."


"Not interested"

"You give me Taetae's number, I'll give you Hoseok's."

She gave you a "how's-that? Well-aren't-you-one-lucky-bitch-I'm-giving-you-this-super-deal-of-a-lifetime" look.

"Are you for real? Do you even know how amazing he is as a person and you're treating him as if... I can't believe you!" you shook your head at her.

"He's all yours if you like him so much. I'll take Taetae instead. Nothing personal, it's just that Taetae is more famous and more rich"

"What makes you think Taetae... Taehyung will want someone as shallow as you?" she was getting on your nerves now.

"It's simple! If you like Hoseok but he likes me instead of you, Taehyung will like me more than you too if he meets me"

Honestly? Would it be so? You tried to comprehend her logic while studying her face with flawless foundation and her hair with red streaks that looked rather pretty. Everybody thought she was the most beautiful girl of the school.

"I would... leave now..." you told her, avoiding her eyes and turning around to leave.

"You took away my Taetae!" her face scrunched up into an even uglier one and she started crying.

"That's right, he was her's to begin with!" her friend yelled at you.

"I'll never forgive you!"

"I don't even need that but..."

"So you honestly would trade me for him"? It was Hoseok's voice and it sounded hurt.

"Hoseok!" you and junmi gasped at the same time and turned towards your side where he was standing, looking down at the floor.

"I guess well, I'm not good enough for you. Let's end it then" he told her in a gloomy voice and left, with hands in his pockets and head hanging low.

"Go after him!" you told Junmi.

"You go after him and give me back my Taetae!" she shook you.

You decided to do just that and pushed her away  but before you could leave, the vice principal appeared along with another female teacher.

"What's going on here?"

"She pushed me!" Junmi yelled, pointing at you.

"Why would you push... " he turned on you but then noticed something"... oh, aren't you y/n?" he asked.

"That's right! She is!"

"I'm s...sorry it's..." you stuttered. Shit, you didn't want to get expelled.

"Why do you have so much make up on? Don't you know it's against the rules?" he turned to Junmi again.

"But.. but she pushed me!" 

"I'm sure you must have done something to provoke her. Now let's talk about the detention you just got yourself for wearing that makeup!"

"But... but...." 

The female teacher grabbed her ear and dragged her away while you rushed to find Hoseok. You looked around everywhere you could, but he had already left.

Thursday, 10:00 pm

me: I'm so upset

Taehyung : What happened

me: Hoseok got so hurt by his girlfriend today 

and I couldn't do anything.

Taehyung: Y/n

It's their personal matter

Whatever it is

Stay out of it.

me: it was partly because of me

Taehyung: All the more reason to stay away from him

me: he was so nice to me

I should have done something to cheer him up

Taehyung: I've a headache right now


me: wait...


Alright, I'll let you rest if you're not feeling okay.

Good night.


Taehyung stared at the message and bit his lip. He hated how angry he got whenever you mentioned your crush, and the fact that Hoseok actually was really handsome made him even more upset. It wasn't like him to get insecure because of a high school guy, but this was different. He knew you had had a crush on that guy, and he wasn't sure about your feelings regarding Hoseok either.

He needed to do something about that boy. He thought as he rubbed his temple and put the phone on his side table, trying to concentrate on the projects at hand.


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