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Starting as friendly would be good, you thought. So...

 me: ayyyy

what's good?

He took three hours to reply with;

Parkjimin:  Pussy

Do you want to block this contact?

yes| no

This was not worth it. You decided. A famous guy like Jimin would never send shit like that. The conclusion you made was;

"I've been trolled for real"

The person supposed to be Taehyung wasn't replying either.

You had zero motivation to go to school on Monday  but you knew you had to face the shit you had gotten yourself into. And there in that hell called school, just like you had expected everyone was mocking you and you could hear the girls giggling and making fun of you as you walked by, but you just bit your lip and kept it all inside.

"Eveything will be fine. I'll graduate soon and no one will remember this" you told yourself. You never bothered to go to Hotel Royale either, because you knew he wouldn't be there.

But once home, your patience gave in and you texted the guy claiming to be Kim Taehyung just one last time, also changing his name.

Monday, 9:30 pm

me: i trusted you!

me: What did you think? i'll never find out? wow, it must have been so much fun for you to play with me like that you never thought  i'm a human i can't even understand why would you do that it's not like i would reject you if you were ugly or brok but seriously? you went and chose the identity of a famous guy and now look what happened to me everyone made fun of me at scgool because i didn't know THAT kim taehyung that the world knows but the one that i thought was my friend and guess what? i'm the joke there now! But why would you care ? maybe it is giving you even more pleasure to know that your joke went so successfully and i freakin hate the thought that out of all people you did this to me! i liked you for who you were! not because you sent me pic of a guy who was handsome! i liked you because you were there for me when i was breaking apart!!

me: At least tell me that yeontan is real and he isn't some random puppy you found on google!

Tuesday, 1:00 am


When Taehyung landed in Korea, the first thing he wanted to do was to apologise to y/n for the missed date, because the trip had took more time than he expected. But when he checked his phone, he was shocked to find that lengthy message full of typos and for sometime he couldn't quite understand what it was about.


impostertae: What's going on?

What are you talking about?

me: wow, you have some damn nerve!

you tricked me and now you're pretending like you don't even know?

impostertae: Look, i know i didn't show up

Reply Me Not || Taehyung x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя