Chapter 22

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Once again, the next room looked as bland as the last. Well, minus the huge glass box. There was a small table at the centre of the small room but that was about it. I glanced back and forth at Jungkook and Jin who were both nervous as hell. Their foreheads dripped with sweat and I could hear their breaths becoming raspy and wheezy. I walked up to them and swung my arms around them both. "Guys, it is going to be okay. We have beaten the game before, so we can do it again!" Their ghostly faces remained in place causing me to sigh. "Look, if I can complete my task then you definitely can"

"I'm not so sure" Jin said, removing my arm from him. He walked away into a corner and I sighed whilst turning to Jungkook. He was staring up at the walls in worry and thought but when he sensed me looking at him, he gave me a not-so-reassuring smile. Maybe I was wrong to be so confident? I doubted that Jungkook and Jin got any hope in completing their tasks just because I completed mine. We all knew perfectly well that the tasks had a dangerously low success rate. However, I will have to protect them no matter what the costs.

Before I could say any words of encouragement, Jin walked up to us and frowned. "You guys know what time it is right? We have to get on with the next task before we are all dead anyways"

I let out a deep breath and took Jungkook's hand. In the corner of my eye, I witnessed Jungkook's lips curl into a small smile and he squeezed my hand tightly. "Okay where is the card?" I said. Jin turned around and pointed at the table which contained an object and the small card. My heart pounded uncontrollably and I could feel Jungkook's hand starting to shake. Although I had completed my task and survived, I couldn't help but be fearful for everyone else. What if Jin and Jungkook will not be as lucky as I was? But I have to be strong for them.

It took at lot of force to move my legs and walk to the table. My legs felt like jelly from anxiety and my heart pounded faster and faster with every step I took. When I finally got to the table, my heart leaped out of chest and I gasped deeply. On the table was a gun. The same gun that Jimin had to use on me to complete his task. The same task that got him killed. What is this? I thought as tears poured down my face. I took a deep breathe and allowed my trembling hand to grasp the familiar material of the card. My blood ran cold when I silently read what was on the card: Truth or Dare Jungkook. However, there wasn't a truth, only a dare:

Complete the task that Jimin wasn't able to do

I finally allowed myself to collapse onto the ground and sobbed heavily. There was no way I was going to repeat the same mistake I made with Jimin when I didn't force him to shoot me. I cannot lose Jungkook too. I completed my task just so I would die anyways. Jungkook rushed over to me in fright and confusion. "What happened? What did it say?" But I couldn't reply. I could only stare into his dark brown eyes and continue sobbing. Jungkook stared back at me desperately but then suddenly looked down sadly after a few moments. 

"It's me isn't it?" he whispered. I nodded hesitantly and he bowed his head without saying another word. The only emotion I could feel was extreme remorse. It's my fault that Jungkook has to deal with this: if Jimin had completed his task then Jungkook would not have to complete it for him. I was certain that Jungkook would resist my begging to shoot me and would want to sacrifice his life for me. Although Jimin and Jungkook were enemies for years, they were just as humble as each other. Too humble in this situation. 

Jungkook slowly stood up and picked up the card. His eyes moved quickly as he skimmed the words on the card. His bright brown eyes became blunt and melancholy when he found out what he had to do. A large sigh erupted out of him and he grabbed hold of the gun. He squeezed the grip of the gun mercilessly, causing his knuckles to go paler than it had already gone. He lifted his head to face to the ceiling and his brows furrowed in deep thought. My eyes widened as I tried to figure out what was going on in his head that moment. Maybe he is thinking whether he should kill me or not? Whatever he was thinking, I was going to make sure that he stays alive.

A voice coming from the other side of the table interrupted the deathly silence. "Jungkook... you need to make your decision now. Choose wisely" Jungkook calmly turned to stare at Jin and nodded silently. 

"Give me a second" Jungkook whispered and he turned to look down at me, who was still on the ground. Jungkook knelt down onto his knees and moved closer to me so that our bodies were almost touching. He took my face into his hands and gazed into my eyes, searching for whatever I was thinking about. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't about to give away any information. "What are you thinking?" he whispered.

"You know I can't let you end up like Jimin right?" I whispered back. Jungkook sighed and hung his head. 

"Y/N I..." Jungkook started but I interrupted him, already knowing what he was going to say.

"No Jungkook. I can't live with all the important people in my life gone. First it was Namjoon, then Jimin and it can't be you too. We have connected during these times and I... I have feelings for you" I paused after this statement and refused to look at Jungkook to see his reaction. Before Jungkook could reply, I continued: "If you die, what am I supposed to do? For the past 12 hours, all I have experienced is people dropping dead all around me and I can't go home without somebody who has experienced all of this with me. I can never let you die Jungkook. Never ever ever"

I finally found the courage to glance at Jungkook briefly and my heart broke when I saw a single tear pouring down his face. He gave me a meek smile and caressed my cheek with his thumb. Jungkook then leaned into me and whispered something in my ear: "Don't worry Y/N... you won't have to let me die"

In one swift movement, Jungkook stood up straight with the gun still in his hand, shot the four corners of the ceiling of the room then directed the gun at Jin. Jin whipped out a gun from his back trouser pocket and pointed it at Jungkook. I jumped up in surprise and confusion and gawped at the sight of the two boys pointing loaded guns at each other. Both of their faces had hardened like a rock as they concentrated on each other and the guns. Jin's emotionless and partly demonic expression had returned, causing me to shrink back nervously. What was the meaning of all this? 

"What the fuck did you do Jungkook?" I screamed at him but Jungkook didn't budge.

"Jin hasn't been entirely honest with us Y/N" Jungkook said calmly, still pointing the gun at Jin. 

I stumbled backwards, feeling my head go fuzzy with shock. "What- what are you talking about?"

"You are about to find out"

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