Chapter 20

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"What do you mean it's dangerous?" I witnessed Jungkook say to Jin with his brows furrowed and his arms crossed. I stared at Jin in deep confusion on my face as I wondered what Jin was planning. I looked at my watch and frowned deeply: we only had an hour left. I sighed and waved my arms frantically to get Jin's attention. 

"What are you thinking?" I mouthed to him. He let out a deep breathe and opened his mouth to speak.

"You have to touch the glass so it continues to move closer to you. Once the glass has closed in on you enough, we will be able to get to the button and push it to save you."

Jungkook gasped and shook his head. "Nope. There is no way we are doing this plan. Y/N could get seriously hurt; she is already hurt enough" He pointed at my broken finger, causing me to sigh again. Jungkook was partially right; this plan was more dangerous than I thought. What if Yoongi decided that I had to die and modified the game? This plan could easily go wrong.

Jin shook his head in frustration. "This is the only chance we have in making it out of here. Do any of you have a better idea?" Jin looked back and forth from me to Jungkook and we both looked away silently. Jin had a point. His plan was mad but we had no other ideas and time was running out fast. 

I turned to look at Jin, whose eyes were already fixated on me. I had no other choice but to do the one thing that scared me the most. I knew that once the walls were too close to me, I would self-destruct mentally due to my claustrophobia. What a coincidence that Yoongi chose me for this particular task I thought, rolling my eyes. I took a deep breath and let out out in a huff. "Tell me what I have to do"

Jin smiled and was about to start giving me instructions before Jungkook pushed past him and slammed his hand onto the glass. "There is no way I am letting you do some bullshit like this. You know what Yoongi is like; he will probably make it even more difficult, now that we know what we have to do"

"You have to let her do it Jung..." Jin started.

"No Jin. We had only been thinking for solutions for a few seconds and then suddenly you come with this 'genius plan' which will only get her killed. You know how claustrophobic she is." Jungkook snapped.

"It's the only way she can live. You don't even have a better idea yourself."

"But there is always another way..."

"THERE IS NO OTHER FUCKING WAY" Jin shouted at Jungkook, causing Jungkook's face to harden. Well at least it looked like he shouted; I couldn't hear shit. He took a deep breath and continued, "Just listen to me okay. You have to trust me, just this once"


"Jungkook, there are no buts" I interfered, causing Jungkook to frown in fear and dread. He sighed and placed his hand on the glass and I mirrored it with my own hand as close as I could without touching the glass. "Jungkook I can't not do anything about this. This is my task and I have to help you complete it because if I don't, we will all die"

"But why does it have to be so dangerous?" he cried, his eyes glistening with tears of fear. He bowed his head, causing me to frown. 

Jin walked up to Jungkook and placed a hand on his back. "If you do everything I tell you to do perfectly, then we will get out of here safely. Including Y/N."

In a swift movement, Jungkook suddenly spun around and grabbed Jin by his shirt with both hands. Jungkook's face was close to Jin's and he had a hardened expression on his face. Jin was unfazed by Jungkook aggressiveness; he remained calm and collected which opposed Jungkook's expression completely. "If anything happens to Y/N at all, I will make sure your life pays for it" Jungkook spat.

Jin grinned, dug his nails into Jungkook's wrists, causing Jungkook to wince uncontrollably, and forcefully removed Jungkook's hand from his shirt. "Touch me again I dare you" Jin said calmly. Jin removed his hand from Jungkook's wrists and I saw that his wrists were red and becoming bruised. However, Jungkook upheld his hard expression and slowly turned away from Jin to face me. 

"I can do this" I mouthed with an encouraging smile, causing Jungkook to smile briefly and turn away from me. 

"Tell her what she has to do" he said to Jin.

"Ugh finally" Jin said, rolling his eyes and he also turned to face me. "It's simple: all you need to do is touch the glass so we can push the button. I will tell you when to start and  you have to make sure your hand stays on the glass, no matter how scared you get. Just remember who you are doing this for if it gets too much. You trust me, right?"

I nodded my head slowly but briefly and he smiled at me. "Then everything is going to be alright" His eyes soften as he gazed into mine, searching for any signs of hope and comfort in me. I smiled back at him to show him that I was ready to do this. But to be honest, I had no idea how to feel. My mind just went back to everyone else who had to do their tasks and died trying. Well I guess everyone else tried but Lisa. You have to do this for Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin and your mum my inner voice told me. I guess it was true anyways. I had to be the leader. 

Jin cleared his throat, causing Jungkook to look at him curiously. "When Y/N gives me a thumbs up, she will place her hand on the glass. That will be when Jungkook gets to his position. As soon as Jungkook's finger is able to slip through the gap made between the glass floor and the hole, once the walls move, he will push the button immediately which should stop the walls..."

"Should or will?" Jungkook asked.

Jin scowled and continued, "Jungkook will push the button immediately which will stop the walls from moving and the door will open for Y/N to come out." Satisfied with Jin's change in words, Jungkook grinned and looked at me.

"You can do this" he said encouragingly. I took a deep breath and nodded at Jin which caused him to immediately turn to Jungkook. 

"Get back to behind the box and kneel down for easy access to the button" Jungkook immediately ran to his position and did everything Jin had asked. I looked around the box in fear as I pictured the walls moving in on me and crushing me to death. I looked down at me hands which had already started shaking, causing my broken finger to vibrate and send sharp jolts of pain throughout my whole hand. 

Gotta go insane to stay sane I repeated the lyric from my favourite song in my head and took deep breaths. I was definitely going to go mad once this plan came into action but if I do this, maybe I won't even be claustrophobic anymore. I pictured myself finally being released from the box and being 'sane' afterwards. Whatever I wanted to do, there was no other way and I had to trust Jin. 

I looked up at Jungkook and Jin who were both staring at me; I realised that they were waiting for my signal to begin. I gave them a confident thumbs up and saw Jungkook say: "this better work", causing me to smile at him. I took a deep breath, rolled my shoulders and lifted my hand to the wall. The plan was about to begin. 

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