Chapter 4

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"That was strange" said Jungkook rubbing the back of neck. I chose the bed at the back corner and the one closest to the wardrobes. I was taking out my PJs when I had a thought.

"Why was Tae panting like that like where or what would he be running from?" I said. The other six stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "I mean he couldn't have been running that far if he was in the camp. Oh it might be where the other children are!"

"I think we will see all of them tomorrow" said Jimin but he didn't sound so sure. I was way too tired to think about a bunch of people I didn't know anyways.

"Maybe we should just sleep it off right now. I don't think anything bad happened to them to be honest" I said and everybody lay in their beds and agreed. In less than ten minutes, everybody had fallen asleep.


I was woken up by somebody shaking the life out of me. "Hey Y/N wake up. It's time for your first exercise" I recognised the sweet voice to be Tae's. I blinked my eyes open and after a good 1 minute, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I saw that everybody was awake and getting changed. I glanced at the clock: 11:50 pm. Why in the world were we being woken up so early?

"Quickly we need to go soon. Our bus is waiting for us" Tae said, concerned for the time. I noticed that he kept checking his watch and rolling his eyes when he saw that we weren't ready yet.

"Y/N come on we need to go" said Jimin, stroking my shoulder and I realised that I was still in bed. I got up, put on a t-shirt, a pair of Nike tracksuits and trainers and exited the dorm with the others.


When we went outside, I noticed that, through the window, I could see that everybody was still inside sleeping. Well, everybody except for the dorm that had suddenly just disappeared. Maybe we were going to meet them. We got to the bus and Tae hushed us inside, begging us not to make noise or we will wake the others up. "Why are everybody else staying here?" Lisa asked. 

"It's just for you guys" Tae gave a weak smile, switched on the engine and proceeded to drive the bus. 

"So where did the other dorm go?"

Tae's face drained of colour and I noticed that his large hands started to shake. "Um... you are... going to meet them" Why did I have a slightly bad feeling about this?

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