Chapter 3 - Sable

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The days went by and the day for Nook to leave was drawing near

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The days went by and the day for Nook to leave was drawing near. I really didn't want him to go, but how could I tell him that? This was his dream. It meant everything to him. I'm not going to let him down because of the way I feel. I guess I will have to respect his decision and let him do what he wants to do. Tom was the only thing that I could think about all day. He was going to leave tomorrow, and all I could do was sit there and sew. But I couldn't.

Every time I tried to sew two pieces of cloth together, I would always stop to think. Then I would mess up and have to start all over again. Lately, ever since Tom got that letter, he has been visiting everyday.

Twice a day actually. He would walk in, come towards me and ask if I was alright. Then, he would offer to help with work. I know that he has been trying to get my attention all week, but I keep rubbing it off. Pretending not to notice.

Just then, Apollo, the eagle, entered the shop. He must have not noticed Mabel, because he walked right up to me. "Where can I find some shades?" he asked intently.

I paused for a moment, "If you have a question, would you mind asking the clerk over there? I just can't let my claws stray from their work... I'm sorry!

"OK," he said. "Sorry." He then walked over to Mabel.

I tried to get back to work, but shortly after Apollo left the shop, Tom Nook came in. He came over to me as usual, but this time, with a different gleam in his eyes.

"Hello again," He said with both of his elbows on the sewing table.

"Hi," I said while reaching for a pair of scissors. Tom stood there, examining my every move. I tried to cut a piece of cloth with the scissors, but they were too dull, and just made an imprint in the blue velvet cloth. I became frustrated, and put the scissors firmly on the table, "stupid scissors."

"Would you like me to help?" he asked sincerely.

We both held the scissors together, and began to cut slowly, but effectively. His hands were warm on mine. I can't believe I never noticed before. His fur was so soft, that you could have mistaken it for velvet. It was a peaceful and relaxing, and I didn't want it to end.

Eventually, it did, because we ran out of cloth to cut. "Thank you," I said putting the scissors away.

"It looks like you need a new pair of scissors"

"I know," I said. "I can never find a pair that are as good as those were." I sat there for a minute, then suddenly, a huge burst of energy came out of me. "Tom!" I cried. "you can't go!"

Tom looked at me, shocked from what came out of my mouth. "Why not?" he said holding my hand.

I began to get teary, "Because... I... I..." and with that I embraced him in my arms. I didn't want to let go. I didn't want to lose him.

He hugged me as well and said, "Don't worry Sable. Everything is going to be alright."

That night, Tom took me to the roof of the store. We discussed our feelings for each other, and how long they had been there. Tom talked over his decision to go to the city and why it was the right choice. We talked and talked for hours until 1:00am, when the sky was dark and millions of stars shone in the sky.

"I just want to let you know that going to the city is the right thing to do," he said.

"I sure hope so," I replied gazing into the night air. "I never noticed how beautiful the sky was at night, until now." I stared at a cluster of stars, " That one looks like a t-shirt," I said pointing to a small group of stars. "I'll call it... 'Star shirt'."

"What are you talking about?" he asked perplexed.

"Don't you see it?" I asked pointing into the sky, "It's right there."

"Oh... I see it now." Tom laid on his back and put his hands behind his head, gazing at the stars. He pointed his finger to the sky, pretending too draw something in the air, then said, "that one looks like a successful business building! I'll call it 'The Farmer's Market Bargain Bin Constellation'."

We both laughed.

"Wow," Tom said, "look at that star."

I looked up and saw one star that shone brighter from all the rest. I glistened in the moonlight brightly, but it seemed as if Tom was holding it in his hand. I reached out for it, and took it in my hand. I held the star in my fist, only to discover a circular shape in my palm. I opened my hand and looked closely at the star. It was a diamond ring. 

----- Author's Note -----

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