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I rush straight into my apartment and go directly to my room. I quickly go under my side table and take a chip that's taped to the bottom of it.

I rush right out of my room and go straight to Jimin. "Hey- wait-" I grab his phone, holding it up to show him it. "I'm going to put a track in your phone alright."

Before he can protest I take it too my office and get straight to tearing it apart. I take the frame off with ease, it happened a little too quickly.

This tracker will be better then the iPhone trackers. It will warn me when it's been in a unfamiliar place for too long and also record the surrounding area if Jimin is in need.

"Are you kidding me?? How do you even know how to-"

I got back up and shoved Jimins phone onto his chest but I don't move just yet. "Don't do anything stupid."

With my final words I grabbed my jacket an left.

"Hey, YoongI. HEY." I just keep walking, I'm not dealing with it.

I look down at my phone as I pull my hood up with my left hand.

"Hmph" I just huff. Are they stupid?

What appeared on my phone was not one tracker but 2.

Obviously the first one was Jimin but the second.... The mafias office.

See this tracker is a bit different then Jimins, it tells me when people enter or leave the room. More importantly I can turn a camera on through the device and see what I want.

When an how did I do this? Just as I busted the door down I put a tracker on the back of the door.

That's right, facing straight towards his desk.

I just smirk because right now I'm looking at the boss staring directly at me.

"Smart man." With that the camera shuts off. Too bad I made it to where once it's ripped off it will erase everything even where it was being tracked.

Oh- an I may have placed a tracker on him..... he didn't notice because it's on his gun.

It's very hard to noice sense it's near the trigger but I won't be surprised if he finds it. That's if he cleans his weapon regularly.

I sigh, this is truly annoying. Nothing is going right an what's worse is that stupid black star mafia.....They made an enemy of me once they touched Jimin.

I smirk maybe...maybe just once I can come back...just for a little.

I feel myself start to chuckle as I place my arm over my eyes an lean my head back.

The beauty of it all, who knew I would once again step in it all again.

Just hearing the words of the people from the black star group...they haven't forgotten an they won't this time either.

Last time was for fun but this time you messed with my only family.

My arm falls as the same with my lips. I slowly open my eyes as the light from outside shines on my pale face.

Though it was a dark night, nothing can hide the dark gleam coming from my eyes as I stared at the ceiling.

"η γλυκιά γεύση του αίματος απαιτεί εκδίκηση." Was all I could say.

Translation: the sweet taste of blood demands revenge.

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