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Hoseoks POV

Tae walks into my office as I look out the window.

"Boss you're back." I look at him "what?"

"We got shocking news, a man used our name and took the hard drive."

I froze "I'm sorry?" Tae takes a sharp breath "he got the hard drive, he also told Yoongi about our name."

I throw a knife at him, I wipe my face and smile.

"Oh this is great." I laugh hysterically "not only did some slut take our hard drive, it also got stolen again because you guys couldn't just pry it from there cold dead bodies huh?"

Tae shivers "Do I have weaklings in my mafia?"

Tae shakes his head "No sir." I huff "Really? Because it seems like my men can't just kill anyone. "

Tae just stands there "Figure it out, or else I. Step. In." Taes eyes widen. "Yes sir."

I wave him off and sigh as he quickly leaves.

Oh how stupid, this is why you have no attachments in the mafia, stupid shit like this happens.

I pull out a dagger and look at it, I place the tip of the dagger on my forehead.

I snicker, "It's about time I get my hands dirty again."

I hear a knock on the door "Hello sir." I nod "what do you want namjoon?"

He places a file on my desk. "This is the symbol the man named Yoongi found after the suspect left."

I look at it and groan. "Fucking hell."

Namjoon just stands there "So Black star has my fucking hard drive?" Namjoon nods.

I stab the file and namjoon slightly flinches.

"Just the one person I didn't need getting that." I sigh.

"Give me an update of the mafia." Namjoon nods as he sits down.

"The group originally called blue star was ran by a man named Jae wang, he had taken down many mafias and gangs but was killed by a former mafia group."

I look at him "what mafia group?" He shakes his head "No one knows, it was a secret mafia group but a strong one at that, if you truly knew them, you didn't , because you were dead."

I hum "but the new owner is Mr.Wangs son Jackson Wang."

"Of course." Namjoon hums. "The one man who wants to take what I built down, just because he thinks I'm the one who killed his father and fucked his ex."

"Alright now that we know this, we can move forward. Continue to keep tabs on those two men."

Namjoon looks confused "two men? Do you mean Jimin and Yoongi?" I nod.

"You can keep Tae and Jungkook on watch duty for them, since they already know them, but if anything seems suspicious let me know instantly."

Namjoon nods "understood."

As namjoon is about to leave I stop him "Oh and say hello to Jin for me." Namjoon smiles and leaves.

The man should be getting better soon. I sigh as I wait for the next move, this will be tiring.

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