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I turn to see Tae "Yoongi? What are you- how did you-" I continue walking.

"YOONGI!" I ignore him, I wanted to go straight for the head, I'm done with this bullshit.

Sit around an wait, hell no.

"Wait Yoongi, don't go in there!"

I walk up to the doors and force it open.

A gun is instantly shot towards me, my head tilts over dodging it as I throw one of my daggers straight.

I keep walking as it lands right between his fingers.

Who's fingers? The boss.

"Where is he." He raises his brow "Who?" I can feel myself get irritated.

"Jimin, where the fuck is he." The man picks my dagger up and examines it.

"Oh him, we're looking." I clench my jaw and grab the dagger and swiftly rush to the side of his chair and point the dagger against his neck.

"Looking? More like waiting till he's dead." The man huffs.

"Oh? Well then. Be my guess wait with me then." I stab the dagger on the forearm of his chair pissed...no I was fuming.

"If you won't find him then I fucking will." The man seems amused as I turn around walking out.

Tae stood there surprised at what just happened and how I didn't get killed. "Y-Yoongi."

I push him "Move."

"Hey you're leaving something." The leader says, he throws it and I turn in time to catch it before it hit Tae.

My hand was bleeding from me grabbing the blade that was inches off from coming in contact with Tae.
Tae stands there shocked as I glare at the man in the chair.

But all I do is leave.

Rude prick, why did I put trust in a mafia group, like they would fucking care.

Storming out I dial a number on my phone to this address and a bike pulls up.

"YOONGI!" Oh god Tae what now.

I hop on the bike putting gloves on quickly not caring for a helmet.

"Can you stop for a second, what the fuck is happening."

I raise my brow and tilit my head. "What's happening? What do you think, what you're fucking boss couldn't."

I grab some cloth I had in the bike and tightly wrap my hand to stop the bleeding.

Tae is still confused "What do you- Yoongi you'll get killed." I smirk as I look up at Tae while ripping the rest of the cloth off with my mouth.

"let's see about that, they have to land a blow on me first."

Tae rolls his eyes "It's not a fucking movie Yoongi, you can't expect to be a badass."

I look away from Tae as I lean on the bike "Goodbye Tae." He yells as I drive off.

Zooming past multiple cars, I press a button on my motorcycle that dials a number.


I smirk

"Hey sugar."


"Look sugar, I'm gonna need something again."

"Are you ba-"

"No, I'm not back. Sorry I've had to call you so much sweetie but I've gotten into some bullshit recently."

"O-ok, what do you need."

"Find the location of number 101395"

"Ok, one sec."

I almost get hit by a car but quickly fix myself

"Are you on the bike!!"

I sigh "Yes I am, now get me the location."

"Last time you were on it wa-"

I sigh again "I know, my last mission, just get me the fucking address."

I can hear him swallow hard, how is this fucker still scared of me.

"101395 is at location XXX"

"Thanks Glider, sorry but get a new phone."

"Again!! It's the 3rd one-"

I end the call as my screen on my bike relocates.

I sit up on my bike letting go of the arms on the bike. I grab my phone an look into the location.

"Cameras go figure."

I quickly hack into them changing the day of them. Not much I can do and if I shut them off now then they will be suspicious.

Once I'm done my phone shakes. I look down at it to see someone's trying to hack it.

"Shit." I throw it on the road breaking it into a million pieces and drove faster to my destination.

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