Chapter 8

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The next morning Liam had left for his last day of training with my dad. I took a shower and got changed into ripped jeans and a light blue shirt crop top. I walked over to my house and saw that my entire family was eating breakfast minus my Dad and Ethan.

I would be leaving today after the ceremony and it was bittersweet. I joined everyone at the table and they all greeted me. I grabbed some oatmeal and Emma gasped.

"You have a mark!" She said making me blush.

"So what, I have a mate," I said.

"It is so pretty, it looks like half a moon," Eva said and I thanked her.

After breakfast was done We decided to watch a movie as a family. We all sat down Emma and Evan on one couch and my Mom, Eva, and I on the other. We put on an action movie and we all just enjoyed each other's company.

Once the movie was over it was 2 pm and I had a little over an hour until I was going to help Sophie get ready for her ceremony. I spent the next hour packing up the rest of my things and getting dressed for the ceremony myself. I curled my brown hair, and I threw some natural makeup on. I dug through my closet before settling on a light blue dress which was tight on top and flowed from my waist to mid-thigh.

I looked at the time and it was 3:30 and I ran over to Sophie's house. Jaz was already there putting Sophie's hair in a beautiful updo. I went to her closet and grabbed her dress, and found some cute accessories to pair with it. Within an hour she was ready and looked absolutely stunning.

Her blonde hair was pinned in a perfect bun with a few pieces hanging loose, and she looked stunning in her white dress. We squealed as we looked at her. Aunt Lilac, Aunt Addy, Aunt Jules, and my Mom walked in and they all started gushing over how beautiful she looked.

"Are you ready?" My Mom asked and we all headed down. The sun was setting and the moon was high in the sky. We walked over to our ceremony clearing. Everyone within a 10-mile radius of the packhouse was here and you could feel the excitement in the air. We were getting a new Alpha King tonight.

My Mom walked down the aisle and took her spot up front next to Emma, Evan, and Eva. Aunt Lilac, Addy, and Jules stood behind her with the rest of the children, their husbands on the outside.

My Dad was standing on the stage next to Ethan, the fire illuminating them. Liam was in front of the crowd on the opposite side of my Mom. It felt weird walking away from my family, and towards him but I did and hugged him slightly feeling happy as I touched him.

"You look beautiful," he said and I smiled at him.

The ceremony started and the crowd went silent. Sophie walked down the aisle and she was breathtaking. I looked up at Ethan and he looked completely infatuated by her. She joined them on stage and my father started to speak.

"Tonight we are here to crown our new Alpha King and his Luna,"

"Ethan, do you accept the responsibilities of being the Alpha King. Make sure to always put your pack first, be fair, and work together with the two other Alpha's?" My Dad said and Ethan's eyes were glowing gold.

"I do," he said with a deep voice.

"Then I pass on the title to you," My Dad said and he grabbed Ethan's hand and the fire grew stronger. Ethan seemed to fill out more before our eyes, and we all bowed down to him.

"Alpha King, you may now claim your Luna," My father said, stepping down to stand by my Mother.

"Sophie do you accept what it means to be a Luna, let your pack protect you and you protect them, to be the caretaker, role model, and mother to those who reside in it?" Ethan said. I looked over at my parents and they were smiling at each other, while hugging clearly thinking of their ceremony.

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