5 - Carpe Diem

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Charlie scrambled into the back seat of Mr. Keating's station wagon, wedged himself in between Neil and Pitts, and grabbed a root beer can from the cooler. "Drive, Captain, drive!!" he cried.

"Woah, Charlie," said Mr. Keating. "are you okay? You look terribly flushed-"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Charlie waved his hand. "just drive."

So Mr. Keating pulled out of the school's parking lot and drove through the snow-capped streets of rural Vermont. At one point, they stopped in front of a pedestrian lane, and they saw Knox and Chris walking by, chatting and laughing like old friends. Poor Charlie's head started to spin. Secretly, he prayed Chris would slip on the ice and break a hip. Maybe even an ankle or two. 

Please, please, please, please...


The stage production of A Midsummer Night's Dream was now in full swing. Neil was doing great; the audience roared, they swooned, they beamed, they had a fantastic time. But halfway through the show, Charlie caught a glimpse of the very sight he feared most: Knox and Chris holding hands. 

His face turned bright red. 

What the hell!?

Soon after that uncomfortable situation, he found himself whispering in Knox's ear, "Hey, Knoxious, meet me in the can. I've got something really important to tell you."

Carpe diem, Nuwanda, just do it. Just do it. 


Charlie circled the washroom, making sure that all the cubicles were empty, then proceeded to corner Knox. He could hear his own heart pounding, beating faster each time he took a step forward. He was nervous, afraid, yet determined. 

"Knox, it has taken me nearly a year to come out and say this, so listen up." He paused. "I..."


"I... I love you."

"Well, I love you too," said Knox. "Is that it? Can we go back now? I can't miss Neil's monologue."

"What!? No, you don't understand!" exclaimed Charlie. "I mean, I really love you."

A flash of surprise registered in Knox's eyes. The startling revelation was enough to leave him stock-still, speechless, like he had just witnessed a pig fly, or a cow dance. 

"I love you, Knoxious," Charlie repeated it once more. "I do, I really do..."

Strangely, his voice began to quiver in an unsettling way. 

"But I guess you're just too blind to see it."

He fled, overcome with emotion, and escaped through the auditorium's exit doors. Knox chased after him, yelling, "Wait! Charlie, wait!!"

At that same moment, Neil was on stage reciting his monologue, and he involuntarily stopped to peer at the two familiar silhouettes who were causing all the commotion in the back of the auditorium.

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