2 - Poetrusic

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Chris, Chris, Chris, was all Knox could ever think about for the next few days. He grew increasingly somber, barely reciting in DPS meetings, zoning out in class. He was so desperate to have her, to whisk her away from that jerk Chet. She will be mine someday, somehow.

On the other hand, Knox, Knox, Knox, was all that ever occupied Charlie's head. His only wish was for Chris to please leave the picture. Knox will be mine, he will be mine someday, somehow.

During one DPS meeting, Charlie brought his saxophone along with him, ready to grab hold of Knox's attention through his sublime musical prowess. 

"Gentlemen," he began. "'Poetrusic' by Charles Dalton."

He goofed around with the saxophone, playing random, chaotic notes.

"Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling, gotta do more, gotta be more."

He glanced at Knox.

"Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming, gotta do more, gotta be more!"

Then he launched into a full-blown sultry piece which, according to his mother, "had the power to spark anyone's romantic side". As the rest of the Dead Poets watched in utter amazement, Charlie knelt down to face Knox, who was lost in thought. He scooted a little closer so that their knees touched. Knox met his gaze; he couldn't resist the temptation of smiling. There was just something in Charlie's eyes that made him want to... seize the day. 

"I can't take it anymore," he murmured.

Charlie leaned forward. Don't restrain yourself, Knoxious. Go on, kiss me.

"I'm gonna call her," said Knox.

Charlie paused. "W-wait, what?"

His plan had completely and utterly backfired. 

"I'm gonna call her!" Knox jumped up. All of a sudden, his face went from miserable to ecstatic. "I'M GONNA CALL CHRIS!!"

A wave of excitement surged through the Dead Poets as they trooped out of the cave, laughing and hollering like a bunch of wild kids. Charlie was the only one who couldn't seem to find a reason to rejoice. 


"Hello, Chris? Hi, this is Knox Overstreet."


"Would I like to come to a party?" 

"Yes! Yes!" Charlie hissed. But deep inside, he was screaming the complete opposite. 

"Well, sure," said Knox. "Okay, great, I'll be there, Chris. Friday night, the Danburrys... O-okay. Thank you. Thank you, I'll see you. Bye."

He hung up, leaned with his back against the wall, and let out a mighty "YAAWWP!!!"

"Can you believe it?" he exclaimed. "She was gonna call me. She invited me to a party with her."

Charlie frowned. "At Chet Danburry's house?" 

"Yeah." Knox nodded.



"You don't really think she means you're going with her?"

"Well, of course not, Charlie, but that's not the point! That's not the point at all!" 

"What is the point?"

"The point is.... Charlie.... is, uh...." Knox stared into the distance. ".... that she was thinking about me."

Charlie turned away. I can't deal with this shit anymore.

"I only met her once, and already she's thinking about me. Dammit. It's gonna happen, guys." Knox strode to the stairs and flipped his scarf. "She is going to be mine!"

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