The Marauders Afterlife Chapter 4

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A/N: Happy New Year! Well, I've finally uploaded. Sorry, this chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but I hope you like it nonetheless.


Chapter 4

"Fred? Fred!" Fred was jolted back into his own world. Remus was shaking him, concern written all over his face.

"W-what?" Fred asked, confused by what had just happened.

"Are you okay?" Tonks asked.

"Yea I'm fine. Why?" he replied.

"You looked, I don't know. Far off. Like, as if you weren't here anymore. I don't know how to describe it." Tonks told him.

"It was as if you were here, but not here. I mean, you were here physically obviously, but you looked blank and yea, not here," James said.

"Yea, because I was here but not here," Fred said.

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked.

"I was here obviously. But I was like in George's mind. I don't know how and I don't know why, but I could see through his eyes. And read his thoughts." Fred told them. Everyone was staring at him in bewilderment.

"Hang on. George is your twin right?" Lily asked.

"Yea," Fred replied.

"Makes sense," Lily said. Everyone looked at her in confusion, so she began to explain "Twins have a kind of physic bond. They're somewhat attatched. They complete each other. You know like when twins complete each others sentences and those kind of things. Thats because of this bond. They can't feel it then, when they're alive, but when one twin looses his or her life, they can get pulled into the other's mind and see through their eyes, like Fred was saying. And read their thoughts, yes. Its hard to explain, and no one's really that sure on how it works, but its rumored that when they usually get pulled into the other's mind, its because one of them is feeling something really strongly. When he or she has a really strong surge of emotion."

"So does that mean that George can get pulled into my mind?" Fred asked, awed by what he'd just heard.

"No. Only you can get pulled to George because he's still got a life. He can feel strongly. You -us- on the other hand, cannot feel something as strongly as someone who's alive can, because we're, well, dead." Lily explained.

"Lily, how do you know all this, may I ask?" James asked, staring at his wife in awe at what he'd just learned. Lily smiled "I've got my sources."

"Of course, of course. How could I forget," James muttered.

"So, whenever George is feeling really sad or something, I get pulled into his head?" Fred asked, trying to make everything clear. Lily laughed lightly "He doesn't always have to feel sad for you to get pulled to him. He could feel really happy, and you'd get pulled to him. He just has to feel a strong surge of emotion, happiness or sadness, and you'll be pulled into his mind."

"That's... scary" Fred said after awhile.


"Because as close as we were, I wasn't like entirely aware of his uhm, private life and such. You know." Fred said uneasily. James and Sirius laughed out loud and Lily glared at them before smiling at Fred "Don't worry. You can pull out of there whenever you want. You'll just have to practice a bit."

"Oh thank goodness," Fred sighed with relief. He really didn't want to invade his brother's privacy.

"Uh, Lily?" Fred said.


"Will you help me?"


"With, uh, thing physic bond thing?"

"Sure! Just name it and I'll be more than happy to help."

"Of course she will! She isn't Lily for no reason." James piped in. Lily rolled her eyes and said "Don't worry Fred. We're all here for you. Just name it and we'll help you alright. You can trust us."

"Why thank you. I feel honoured." Fred said, grinning at everyone, and returning to his usual happy-go-lucky self.


A/N: Liked it? Comment and tell me. Vote if you did. Thanks!

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