The Marauders Afterlife Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey everyone! How have you been? OMG I am sooo sorry i haven't uploaded in lik... forEVERR but I've been kinda caught up with other things and such. Oh and to tell you the truth... this story had kinda slipped my mind... oooppsss sorryy. Well, I've been working on another fanfiction and I'm yet not sure if I'll be putting that one up or not... Anyways, I give a big "Thankyou" to Livi121 for reminding me about this and she also kinda encouraged me on. I mean, because I haven't uploaded in forever i thought people had forgotten about this :( But no! She actually remembered! Thanks for that Livi121! oh yea and i cannot forget to acknowledge my epic friend, Emily aka. Mudski45... she edited this for me and made it even awesome-er! Well... i don't know if its awesome or not, you tell me. Anyways, thankss Em!

OK I think i've babbled on moooore than enough... I won't keep you waiting for this any longer... Do enjoy! oh yea and...

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Chapter 9

Fred and Lily walked out and decided to go for a walk. Lily, as promised, had found a way to block out George's head whenever Fred wished to. However, she had wanted Fred to tell her all about Potter Watch first.

“Well, Harry, Rom and Hermione disappeared right after my brother's wedding was interrupted. Kingsley sent a patronus warning us that the Minister of Magic has been killed. Everything was chaotic. And then later we couldn't find them and we guessed that they had left for where ever they were going. Anyway, after a few days, Lupin found them in Grimmauld Place, but apparently, he had some sort of a feud with Harry.

"So then after awhile, we decided to start a radio station because all of the newspapers and everything was on Voldemort's side. None of it had reliable information anymore. But we had to keep it a secret from the Death Eaters; we had to make sure we weren't caught. So we had to keep on moving the radio station to different places. And each time someone wanted to tune in, they had to have some password. We told them the passwords at the end of each broadcast. Sometimes, we could update people like once a day, but sometimes, we had to wait weeks before we could broadcast again. You know, for safety reasons. We basically kept the world who believed in the truth updated with the correct information that was actually reliable. So yea. That was pretty much it” Fred explained. Lily was hanging on to every word  he said. When he was finished, she looked impressed.

“Wow. You guys came up with all that?” she asked.

“Yes” Fred said proudly.

“Who's idea was it?” Lily asked, curiously.

“Well, one day, Lee Jordan- he was our best friend, George and I were just discussing a few things. And then Lee came up with this idea for a radio broadcast and all. And then George and I helped him with everything else. Well, we kind of got a basic idea of what we would do on it. Then we told Kingley about it. And well... everything just sorta snow-balled together from there.” Fred told her, as if coming up with radio broadcasts was something he did on an everday basis. Lily, on the other hand, gasped “Wow! You guys are brilliant!” she gushed.

Fred bowed to her and replied “Why thank you, Mrs. Potter. I feel honored.” Lily smiled and asked “so, you guys came up with the name Potter Watch?”

“”Uh no. Remus did, I think” Fred said thoughtfully.

“And why that particular name?”

“Oh well, Harry was after all 'The Chosen One'. He was the one we all knew who would end up bringing down old Voldy. So yea.”

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