The MArauders Afterlife Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! OMG I haven't uploaded in like... forever! :o I'm so sorry!! But you guys make my day with all your lovely comments! I'm actually quite surprised to many people like this story I didn't think it's that good... But seriously thankyou! Reading your comments makes my day!

Now, I know this isn't the longest chapter I've written but... I thought I should give you guys something after all those heart warming comments! I honestly have no idea when the next chapter will come along but let's hope it's soon aye ;p Haha well I'll stop my bably right now and let you enjoy the story! :)


Tonks swiveled around and sure enough, her father was standing behind them, a sad smile on his lips.

“Oh dad!” Tonks said as she was engulfed in a tight hug by her Ted.

“Nymphadora my dear,” he said, his voice breaking “Why you? I was hoping you would have a long, happy and healthy life.”

“No dad. I died fighting for the good in the world. And I'm glad I died fighting.” she replied between sobs.

“I am very proud of you Nymphadora. Very proud.” Ted said and Tonks pulled away from him.

“Remus.” Ted acknowledged.

“Ted.” Remus shook Ted's hand “Let's move away from here.” he said, pulling Tonks away from the line.

“Would you two like to come over to my uhh... house?” Ted asked. Tonks and Remus looked at each other. House? Well yes that's what it was now, but it just sounded so weird. Thinking of “house”, Tonks thought of her mother's house, which was now Teddy's home as well. Teddy... just thinking about him brought tears to her eyes.
“We would love that,” Remus replied. He gently placed his arm around Tonks' waist and pulled her towards the direction Ted was now headed. Soon, they reached a house, identical to all others, yet much smaller, and entered. It was quite a tiny house and was surely only built for one.

“Dad... you live by yourself?” Tonks asked.

“Yes darling. No one else was here so... well, I do have frequent visits from Gornuk. He was the goblin that died with me.” Ted replied with a sad smile.

“Oh that's sweet of him.” Tonks smiled.

Ted, Tonks and Remus sat and talked for a long time. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and Ted stood up and called “Come in.”

Two figures stepped inside the house. Remus recognised them almost immediately. It had been a long time since he'd last seen them, but he knew them well enough. They had accepted him heartily and for that he was grateful. Seeing them now, after all those years; well it was weird, yet he felt happy. As sad as it was to see all these familiar faces, it still made him happy to be able to see those loved ones again.

“Mr. Potter. Mrs. Potter.” he greeted them.

“Remus! My dear boy. How are you?” Mr. Potter asked.

“Um, fine. How are you?” Remus answered.

“As good as a dead person can get.” Mr Potter replied with a chuckle. Remus smiled and looked at Mrs Potter. She seemed so proud.

“Mrs Potter. How have you been?” he asked her.

“Fine dear boy. I’ve been fine.” She replied with a huge smile.

“You seem rather happy.” Remus said.

“Well yes. I am very happy. I am currently a very proud grandmother.” She grinned.

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