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It was not a grand farewell.

Lumi had not expected one.

She had been debating if Theros would be there or not. But of course, the King's presence would be required if he was handing over something that was his to another.

He had not told her where she was going, or who she was being married to. Lumi had wanted to tell Macy and Jodi to stop crying. The life of royalty was full of luxury, but that didn't mean it was a soft life. Her mother had taught her from a very young age that you had to love yourself first because the events that came to pass would make you feel very alone.

She understood what her mother meant now.

After all, her mother had been offered to her father as a bride, and it was obvious now to this day that the two- though they had their moments and a deep respect for each other- were not a love match.

That was just life.

But the figure that Lumi approached was one that she recognized. She felt a small smile come to her face as she hesitantly continued to move forward.

"Is it you?" Her question was vague, but she knew the stranger would understand.

He had been at the ball. He had offered to dance with her over and over again. He had been kind and something soothing against the other males who seemed so aggressive and straightforward.

There was something about his gentleness when he had asked her, that made her say yes three times.

And now here he stood in front of her.

"Hello Princess Lumi. I'm happy to see you again," his smile was the same one she remembered. She felt herself slowly smiling back at him, her heart feeling more at ease than she would have hoped.

He gave a deep bow to her, taking her hand and lowering himself to kiss the top of it, "Let me introduce myself formally. I only gave you my first name when we danced. But my full title is Josiah Rai Lukariah. King of Galexius- the land hidden in stars."

Lumi nodded to him, looking around at the men that were behind him. They each bowed in her direction.

She saw from the corner of her eye, the Winter King coming closer.

Josiah rose and let go of her hand, still smiling down at her.

"I want to apologize for how quick this all is. I didn't expect to come here and leave with a wife."

His words caught her attention.

Leave with a wife...

At that statement, King Theros and his council men arrived. There was a pause of silence before finally, Wilmot stepped forward.

"The documents are here for signing. All that is required is Princess Lumi's consent."

Lumi felt an involuntary laugh leave her.

The council members winced.

Josiah turned back to her, his smile broadening. "I found it ironic also."

She shook her head, coming closer to Wilmot. In her approach, she was able to better see Theros. His face wore no expression, and for the first time she realized that Lady Elowen was standing beside him.

Lumi gave her another sad smile. A knowing smile. Elowen only nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes flicking up to Theros to watch his reaction to the unfolding events.

But still, he showed no emotion.

Without another word, Lumi took the documents, looking them over and accepting the pen from Wilmot's outstretched hand.

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