Short Story - PART 2

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Willa snuck onto the balcony that looked over the meeting.

People would have been horrified if they caught sight of the princess doing a military crawl towards the balusters to see through the spaces.

She had been secretly going to council meetings for two years now. Kestrel had said that a ruler needed to be involved in their country and what was happening.

"You can't ignore it. It's our duty. To look out for them. To do what we can."

With power came responsibility, she had once read. Some chose to abuse that. Some chose to ignore it.

Willa had listened to the conversations of others, her air headed ways often making her nonthreatening in their eyes as they openly discussed politics. She knew that Kestrel was a good leader. Much to Liron's irritation, the Winter King often spoke with high praise of the Galexious Prince. She had to make him proud. She needed to prove to him- and her- that she had the potential to lead.

She was shameful in many ways when it involved Kestrel. She acknowledged that she lost her mind a little whenever he was around. Sometimes she cringed at her past actions. And then she sighed and cried at her most recent ones. She couldn't explain it. As sorry of an excuse as that was. She at least wrote apologies to Kestrel- whatever good that did.

Liron sat beside the Winter King- he had been attending the meetings for years now, but was just starting to be allowed a voice in them. She felt pride in her brother. He would make a good ruler, just like father.

Mother sometimes attended, but was not present at this particular meeting. Willa sighed, thinking of those years ago when she had asked to join the meetings only to be rejected by father.

"These meetings are not a joke. Important things are decided. I can't have you in there distracting and making noises."

She had shut down that avenue, choosing to go about in her own way of how to attend.

She settled down, crossing her arms and resting her head there as she listened. They discussed the palace budget, a fire that had happened near the border of spring. There had been heavy snowfall in the further northern areas, causing a need for food, water, and medicine to be delivered.

"The fall persistent..."

Willa raised her head at the change in topic.

The King leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair and closing his eyes.

"Fighting over some small piece of land that is insignificant."

"Spring additionally states that it is their territory."

"It's Winter's and has always been Winter's."

"My King, we have three countries arguing with the same thought."

Willa realized what they were talking about. The Sasonial. A piece of fertile land that touched all three Kingdoms. It had been a debate for years- close to a century almost- of what Kingdom laid claim. The confusion was in the fact that the land seemed to follow all three patterns of the kingdoms. Some days it would snow, other days there would be flowers in bloom, while suddenly, leaves would change color and fall from the trees.

Summer land did not touch the area, therefore they never became involved in the conflict that often arose from it.

"The Spring court is corrupt. We can't trust a word they say. I've lost count of how many agreements they've backed out from or almost broke."

The advisors nodded at the man's words. Willa agreed. The former Spring King - King Kyst- was nice enough - she had met him several times at past Winter Balls. But his son often made Willa turn the other way and try to find either Rowan, Liron, or Kestrel.

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