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"Hello Dick, nice to see you here," said the voice.

Dick's heart rate elevated greatly. He knew the stranger, and not in a good way. "Can't say the same to you, Slade," Dick said.

"That's to bad," the newly named Slade mocked. The name was familiar to Matt, but he couldn't place it. Slade had a strong heartbeat, he wasn't intimidated by the Bats that were circling him like vultures.

Bruce finally spoke, "Why are you here Deathstroke?"

'Deathstroke? Holy crap! (Blasphemy) Jesus Christ! (Blasphemy) The Deathstroke! What was he doing here!He was the best mercenary around! Like in the world! Was he here to finish the job?'

"I am not here to kill you Bat. Or your sons. I am here for someone else."

'Definitely here to finish the job,' Matt concluded. He had to leave, and fast. Deathstroke was ruthless.

Bruce had come to same conclusion and he quickly and urgently ordered Damian to take Matt away to safety. Damian complied just as quickly, if not faster, and sprinted towards Matt's room. Deathstroke didn't follow, he knew that he'd have to get through Batman and Nightwing first.
Matt was conflicted. His friends were in danger. Because of him too! But was it best to let them fight it out or should he expose himself? Matt ultimately decided to let them fight it out and if they needed help, he'd expose himself. It wouldn't help for them to be distracted by the fact that he could fight when they should be completely focused on Deathstroke.

Matt pretended to be surprised when Damian charged into the bedroom. "What's going on?"

"Not now! We need to go now!" Damian cried as he grabbed Matt's cane and roughly pulled Matt along the hallway, not at all following the proper etiquette involved with leading a person who couldn't see, but it Matt could be killed. Damian would rather be rude than have his friend die.

They went up and down and took so many turns as they ran, it was like a maze. Matt almost lost track. Key word being almost. If Dick and Bruce needed help, Matt had to be able to get to them in a timely fashion.

Deathstroke was known for having strange morals. He said he wasn't in the Manor to kill Bruce, Dick, or Damian, so he wouldn't. Matt decided that it would be best if he worried mainly about himself and what he should do if he had to fight Deathstroke.

When they finally stopped, they were in a small enclosed space that smelled wet and musty. Matt realized that they had to be in one of the chasms of the Batcave. Hopefully Deathstroke wouldn't be able to find him.

"Now can you tell me what the Hell is going on? (Blasphemy) Is there a home invasion going on or something?" Matt asked, feigning confusion.

"Do you know who Deathstroke is?" Damian asked bluntly.

"Yeah, he's a super notorious mercenary guy. Oh my God! (Blasphemy) Is he here? Is that who was making a ruckus in the hall?" Matt asked.

"Yes. I think whoever blew up your apartment paid him to go after you," stated Damian. The way Damian talked made him seem unemotional, but his heartbeat said otherwise. He was terrified. He had reason to feel that way, Deathstroke had just followed them, learned his family's secret identities, was currently in his house fighting his dad and brother, and was trying to kill his friend.

Matt played dumb. "Christ! (Blasphemy) I'm totally screwed! They couldn't leave it at a failed sniper attempt could they! What are we going to do?!"

"We are going to wait here and see if Father sends us a signal saying that we are safe."

"Bruce?! What is he doing? Is Dick with him? What about Alfred?"

"You have to understand that Deathstroke is a man with odd, but strong morals. He never kills unless it's a part of his contract. Father and Dick are entertaining him for a bit. Their distraction allowed us to hide here. We are in part of a small cave that is near the Manor. Dick and I play in it during the summer months and no one else, besides Bruce and Alfred, know about it. We're safe here and Father and my dumbass brother will be fine. They might get roughed up a bit, but they will be fine. Alfred is in his room, Deathstroke would never hurt him."

After Damian's spiel, the pair grew silent, waiting. After a while Damian declared, "It is to silent, I need to go somewhere. Don't worry I'll come back. No matter what, you have to stay where you are." Matt half-heartedly tried to get Damian stayed, but he knew Damian would go help his family no matter what Matt said. So Damian left, joining his family in battle, leaving Matt in the silence of the cave.

For Matt though, it wasn't silent, he was listening to the battle taking place far above him. Deathstroke was definitely skilled, but so were Nightwing and Batman. They kept on circling around each other, looking for an opening, striking a hit when they could.

As Matt listened, he came to a startling discovery. There was another heartbeat. Several actually. The beats were so well hidden that Matt almost brushed it off as Damian's cat, almost. Deathstroke had secret partners.
Dick swore, again. They were doing pretty well against Slade. It was two against one and they were the famous Batman and Robin (now Nightwing) and they also had Damian available as back up. Damian had just joined them and was currently waiting for an opening in which to strike, The odds were definitely in their favor. Regardless, Dick felt like he was missing something. Slade was definitely injured and tired, but he still had a triumphant smile on his face. He knew something they didn't.

Bruce swung at Slade, who was dodging one of Dick's well-placed flips, and managed to throw him against a nearby wall. Bruce held a batarang to Slade's throat.

"It's over Deathstroke," Bruce growled.

Slade just smiled, "But is it? Is it really?"

Out of the corner of Dick's eye he saw shadow dropping onto the ground from the rafters.
Matt took his cue. Deathstroke had a surprise in his sleeve, but so did Batman, Batman just didn't know it yet.

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