Hospitals Suck

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Heaviness was slowly lifting from Matt's mind as he came to. The uncomfortable fogginess still resided though, curtsy of hospital drugs. Matt was not a fan of being given drugs. They made him lose the sharpness of the senses he so relied on. They made him feel vulnerable, not that anyone had to know that.

The first thing he noticed was that he was lying down on something soft, but he didn't remember going to bed. What was the last thing he did? Matt couldn't recall. Matt hated drugs soo much.

Matt was trying to get a feel for the room with his dulled senses when a voice surprised Matt from the other side of the room, causing Matt to flinch.

"He's awake."

The sound of several people getting up disrupted the silence.

How many people were on here? God, Matt hated drugs. (Blasphemy)

"Matt do you know where you are?" That voice belonged to Bruce. Why was Bruce here? Where was here?

"Uhhhh-I think there's a bed?" Matt tried to sound certain, but the drugs in his system just left him confused.

"How's he supposed to know where he is? You can't hear a location! Ask some reasonable questions!" That voice was Damian's.

"Matt, you're in a hospital. What is the last thing you remember?" Bruce again. Drugs are starting to fade, mind becoming clearer.

"Umm-party. I was at one of your parties, you were giving a speech, there was a really loud camera," It was a camera, wasn't it? "I don't remember anything else."

Damian swore.

"A camera?" That was Dick

"Uhh yeah, I think so. There was a loud clicking sound coming from the balcony, I think. It was distracting because people weren't supposed to be upstairs. Maybe it was a reporter, I don't know." Matt was now throughly confused. Why did the camera matter?

Everyone was silent, but Matt's senses were returning. He couldn't sense the people in the room now. There was Dick, Bruce, and Damian and a stranger, maybe a doctor. They said he was in a hospital. Why was he in a hospital? Matt's chest started to burn, he groaned.

"Hey, don't touch that. You could damage it. I'll get you some more morphine." Yeah definitely a medical person.

"Could you wait a bit for that, we need to ask a few more questions." That was Bruce, he sounded more serious than usual.

"Alright, but make it quick."

"Matt do you know why you're here?"

"Uhh-no. My Stomach and chest? They feel weird."

"You were shot."


"You don't seem to surprised. Did you have a feeling this would happen?"

"Oh? No. But that was probably the camera sound." Being shot made sense for Daredevil, but not Matt Murdock. Why would he be shot as Matt Murdock?

"Yeah, maybe. Do you have any idea why you shot? Anyone have it out for you?"

"Uh no. I don't think Fisk likes me very much, but he's in jail. I didn't tell anyone about our case. I found something interesting. People would be pretty mad though if they did find out."

That made Damian pissed. "I knew it, I knew it! You dragged him into this mess, Father!" Matt's senses were now sharp enough that he could tell that Damian had Bruce's shirt clenched in his fist.

"I don't think your dad had anything to do with this. I'm just saying I can't think of why someone would shoot me. I'm a blind lawyer, so if there was a reason it would probably have to do with my being a lawyer," Matt soothed. Damian unclenched his fist.

Ow, his chest's pain was increasing.

Dick must have noticed because he excused everyone from the room and got the doctor to give him more medication.

Matt fell asleep again.
Damian was pissed. Someone was targeting his friend and his father wasn't telling him anything. Someone had blown up Matt's freaking apartment and had sent his dad a mysterious message, which he wouldn't share with either of his sons.

"He heard the gun. He heard the gun! How didn't we notice anything! It must have been loud for Matt to hear from a floor below. How did no one hear anything?!" Dick was practically hysterical.

"We know how we've messed up, we do, we just can't focus on it. We need to focus on not making any more mistakes," Father looked like gears were turning in his head.

"You need to tell us what the people wanted," Damian stated. His father's gate keeping of information caused Matt to almost die, who knows what could happen if he continued to keep whatever information he had secret.

"No." He obviously wasn't going to budge, it was a lost cause at this point.

"How do we know that whoever 'they' are won't strike again?! Where is Matt going to stay?! How long is this going to go on for?!" Dick was still hysterical. He really needed to get a grip.

"We don't know if 'they' are going to strike again, so I've decided that Matt is going to stay with us for a while. We have extra rooms. I got him into this mess, I know, so I'll get him out of it. I have a plan." Of course, he had a plan already. He was Batman.

"I think he took being shot too well. Think he knew something but he's getting threats or something?" Damian was suspicious of how not frightened Matt was at the idea he'd been just shot by a sniper.

"Maybe, probably. I'll find out later."

"What is our immediate plan?"

"You two are going to watch Matt. Someone needs to inform him of the status of his apartment. If he's well enough for it, try to get him to decode some of his braille documents. I think there are some hidden messages in what he wrote. Be gentle though."

"What are you going to do," Dick asked, calmer now that he had a task.

"I'm going to head to Hell's Kitchen, that's Matt's neighborhood in Gotham. There's a vigilante I've been meaning to look into. They're calling him 'Daredevil'. Maybe he knows something."

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