Collection of Older Works by DistantDreamer

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Collection of Older Works by DistantDreamer

This is a collection of my older stories. Though they have their flaws, I like to look back on them to see how far I've come and how much I have yet to learn. Contains: Flashbacks of a Fool (Historical Romance) Faethfully Yours: Awakening (Fantasy) I hope you enjoy them!


I personally enjoyed the first one more.. Must be the 'historical fiction' after mist after reading all those other ones... But the second is equally amazing. Flashbacks of a Fool is a sweet as sugar on caramel icing. And trust me. That is sweet. In Faethfully Yours the author has another version of some sort on her page so if you want to check that out... You better. Or i'll turn up at your window with a spider. And we all know how scared you are of spiders.

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