Sugar Babe by WeAreAHurricane

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Sugar Babe by WeAreAHurricane

Ever had Ramen Noodles for an entire month? Lilly Fenster has and she's tired of it. Which is why she ends up managing the fashion industry's hottest Brazilian model. Lucky her, right? Not really. Lilly can't stand the intolerable Joshua Lachowski . Heck, she can't even pronounce his last name, much less manage his professional life. What happens when the nerd enters the fashion world and meets the biggest jerk imaginable? Mayhem, Ramen Noodles, and love. That's what.

Lachowski is a hot man. Read my profile and you'll know. But I LOVE THIS BOOK! I WANT AN UPDATE NOWW! This book is so sexy it hurts! Please. Please. PLEASE READ IT! My girly side truly let rip on this one, I was eating hershey kisses the whole way through. A few more updates! Fenster would be such a cool name for a brand... 

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