Bad Boy Kisses by xxxLivingtheLifexxx

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Bad Boy Kisses by xxLivingtheLifexx

Emelie Grey found her boyfriend Conner Hanglinton cheating on her after two years of dating. She's crushed but of course with the help of her crazy best friend she is going to move on. To bad, she didn't know just exactly how her best friend was going to help her until it was to late. Now she has the school's bad-ass not leaving her alone and even crazier than that are his bad boy kisses....

With this book you'll get love... Drama... Bitches.... And Jared's penis... No lie XD I found this beauty on my recommendations list! My recommendations list used to suck balls but its decided to be nice to me now... I used to get crappy stuff like Twilight series 2. No hate for Twilight or anything. (No seriously. I used to be a hardcore twihard) I <3 this. I have this thing for bad boy books. You know? You would if you stalk me. You do. Doesn't everyone? ;) x 

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