Lost For Words

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William's POV

            The room only stood silent for a second. The next moment our new vampire friend, who now had a name and a past hidden behind those ominous black eyes , opened his mouth

            "Sorry to interrupt," he said, his accent even thicker than before when we'd first and last encountered him. "But I would like to inform you that your guests will do just fine as long as you all choose to cooperate."

            "Cooperate?" I asked him.

            But his eyes strayed to Angelina who still stood a foot in front of  the rest of the group. The boy smiled at her, something weak and almost sad as he said, "You thought you'd seen the last of me."

            "You're supposed to be dead," she hissed, her voice barely audible. "I watched you die. I saw them kill you. How are you here right now? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

            Victor came over to her, pressing gentle hands on her shoulders. "Angie, what's wrong? Do you know him?"

            She nodded, staring right at the stranger who seemed to be the exact opposite of that. "Yes, this is Gerard. My former bond."

            "Your bond?" Victor choked out.

            The same thought clearly crossed everyone's mind. Angelina was different from the rest of us. She and Victor weren't together out of some silly vampire bond. Neither one changed the other. But Angelina had a bond long ago. She spoke of it rarely, never even mentioning his name. Not to me, at least.

            She claimed she met him when he was human and sick and dying. She fell in love and ended up changing him as he lay on his death bed. Not long after, he was killed--brutally murdered by a group of cruel vampires--right in front of Angelina.

            And here he was, claiming to work for whatever Original vampire force that tried taking over the town.

            "I didn't die," Gerard said, all too simply for the moment.

            Angelina now looked ready to take off his head. I wouldn't put it past her. She leaped towards him, eyes blazing. Victor pulled her back though before she could do much damage. He held her thrashing limbs with his own as if she were some wild newborn in need of taming.

            "You should leave," Victor told him. "I don't care who you are or who you work for. Leave."

            And he did. Just like that, he exited just as he had came.

            Everyone kept their mouths shut as the world adjusted around us--for us, even. The world shifted into a new perspective. Oh, the revelations. Who would have ever thought just a month would bring out so many secrets?

            "What the hell was that for?" Derek reprimanded Victor.

            Victor turned to him, his silver eyes coming together in anger. I couldn't blame him though. Who the hell wanted to be pushed around like that in the wake of such a life-changing occurrence/?

            "I'm sorry," Victor started, already a foot away from Derek's face. "Did you want him to stick around?"

            "I wanted information." Derek waved around wildly. "Sorry, if a blast from the past is the least of my concern right now."

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