About a Girl

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  Jane's POV


  "Jane" A knock sounded on the door behind me.

            I'd slumped down against it the moment I walked into my room. Luke followed at my heels up until I slammed the door in his face. He'd called my name on the other side for a while before taking a break.

            Outside my window, the sky grew dark, night taking it's time. Time acting as selfishly as always, once again leaving me behind where I hung unwilling to catch up. Time brought out the truth--the truth to all the people I cared about and had carefully hidden for so long.

            "Jane," Luke said again, his voice low and almost pained. "Please open the door...Just talk to me."

            I hung my head in my hands, my hair ratted in-between my fingers. No, I couldn't talk--not to him, not to anyone, not about this. I hadn't even spoken to Christopher since he said those heart-stopping words in Derek's car. Soon after, he passed out again.

            No one asked any further question on the way back to Newberry. But I could feel their eyes on me. Ava--classically her, filled with pity but un-wanting to ever be placed in my shoes. Derek--the puzzle pieces clicking together in his head, surely remembering the story I revealed to him all those years ago. And Luke--wide-eyed and shocked.

            I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to deal with me anymore. I told myself it might make things easier--if he just wanted to walk away and never turn back. My heart would hurt but not as much as the everyday sight of him hating me.

            But I didn't want him to leave. Especially not now when I needed someone the most.

            He sighed out in the hallway. "Okay, then. You can stay in there the rest of your life if you want. Just remember that there are people out here who care about you. People you can talk to. And if you don't want to talk...I understand. Just...let me see your face."

            I swallowed, silent sobs reaching my throat. For so long, I yearned to be alone. I always thought it was best to not share my weaknesses. No one needed to know just how broken of a girl I truly was. But I couldn't be strong forever.

            I reached up for the doorknob and pulled it open.

            No, I don't want to be alone.

            Luke squeezed through the crack of the door and noticed me curled up on the floor. He immediately bent down to sit beside me, pulling his knees to his chest and folding his hands on top.

            "Does this mean you'll talk to me?" Luke simply asked though he couldn't disguise the breaking of his voice.

            I glanced over at him through the dark room. "This means I trust you."

            Maybe the truth wouldn't break us--wouldn't break me. Maybe it really would set me free. I wouldn't be forced to hold back anymore. I wouldn't be plagued by the everlasting fear of someone finding out and judging me for my past mistakes.

            I took a deep breath and let it out with my words. "I've told you and the others little about myself for a reason. I was born and raised in England. I did move to Florida as a teenager. And Chris is my child."

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