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            The house finally grew quiet into the night. All the ruckus from earlier died down as everyone went their separate ways and into discussion with their specific others. I elbowed my way past Hanson, who continued his concerned gestures, and managed my way upstairs to my room.

            I had just pulled on my bathrobe and thrown my still graying hair into a bun when a knock on my door sounded. I fully expected Hanson to be standing there all tall dark and handsome, so when I saw Ava, I couldn't help but be a bit surprised.

            "What's wrong?"

            She sniffled slightly, crossing her arms protectively over herself, something she always did when suffering under a vulnerable state. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

            "Because," I stated simply. "You haven't came to my room to talk privately since I joined your little group. The last time, actually, happened to be when both of us were semi-normal humans."

            She nodded, pressing her lips together tightly. "So, it's been a while."

            I motioned her into the room. Even with the way she walked, I noted something was wrong. And I suspected William to be the source. I didn't really know him, and with this new life I was trying to be a little more understanding. But no guy ran away like that. No guy in his right mind talked to Ava Sumner like that.

            "Sit down," I told her, plopping down on the bed myself. "Now, tell me what's going on. It's William, isn't it?"

            She sat down beside me and sucked in a deep breath before looking me in the eye. "We broke up."

            "What?" Okay, I didn't see that coming. No, I didn't really know the guy. I knew he came from a pretty messed up past only proved further torn with Derek and everything. But I noticed the way he looked at her. And the way she looked back--unlike how she ever looked at a guy in my time knowing her. "What happened?"

            She shrugged heavily. "I don't know. He thinks there's something wrong with him. That's why he ran away. He couldn't deal with Derek and all this new information. He said he needed a break--that he didn't know how he felt about me anymore. He said this was our best chance. So--" she took a deep breath caused her whole body to slump in defeat "--it's over."

            "Just like that?" I couldn't help but ask. "After all the shit you two have been through, you're just going to walk away?"

            "I'm not walking away. If anyone is, it's him." She smiled wryly--it was almost sad. "Maybe it really is my fault. All this time, I've been afraid of telling him how I really felt. I've been afraid of feeling this way. He told me he accepted it--me and my way of doing things. He told me he loved me, but he didn't expect a response back. Maybe I should have just--"

            "Stop," I snapped, my voice harsher than intended. "You can't spend your whole life on maybes. I bet if it you give it time, things will change."

            "What if they don't? What...What if he decides that he really can't do this anymore?" She looked away, down at her hands that were curled together in her lap. "He'll leave just like everyone else has. Maybe I really am a lost cause."

            I swallowed, looking up from her and into the mirror. The signs of wear showed on my face more and more as the days passed. No one really seemed to notice though. Maybe they blamed it on the after-effects of whatever the hell Ava's mom gave me, which I guess in truth it was.

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