Chapter 46

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I was still sitting in the same place as I had jumped to, a small room packed full of pop culture, posters, music references, bands emblems, typical teenage paraphernalia, all crowding the white walls. It wasn't particularly large, in fact I felt like I recognised the proportions somehow.

My black dress spilled out across the indigo sheets as I sat gazing around me. The room held a certain smell, not unpleasant but not fresh either. It was faintly masculine and seeped off the sheets.

My breathing was finally steady and even, unlike the shaky breaths I had gasped for when I first jumped here. It seemed like only moments ago, but I knew it was more like hours. I had watched the sun drift across the sky and watched the shadows of the furniture lengthen and slide across the fake wood floor.

I dragged a hand across my face and through my hair, trying to wipe the tiredness from my mind. I hadn't slept in days, and it was a heavy weight on my mind. It made me look at the dark blue bed with longing, but I knew I couldn't risk falling asleep in a stranger's bed. Just as I knew I shouldn't have stayed here so long. It was a careless risk I had taken, and I wasn't sure how much longer it would pay off.

My answer was given when the door burst open.

"Oh!" I gasped and felt my body stiffen into an upright position, tensed to run although I had no clue where to. The unexpected visitor was blocking the door so I could hardly get out if I needed to.

"Holy shit!" the boy exclaimed, and I felt my eyes widen at his language. Emmett had been crude at times, but I had never been greeted with such a word.

"Crap, sorry. You just scared the hell out of me." The boy scratched the back of his neck, his oceanic blue eyes still wide. I rose quickly from the bed and stood awkwardly before him. My mind was dithering over what to do.

The teenager was taller than me, roughly six foot, with scruffy, waved, brown hair. It wasn't quite mahogany because of its natural highlights but it had the same tone.

"I'm so sorry. I know this must seem rather odd. I just needed somewhere to sit, and I was here, and, oh my, I'm so terribly sorry for intruding." I felt my voice shake slightly as I tried to take in the body language of the teenager before me. It was obvious it was his room, and I was desperately trying to understand how he felt about my presence in it.

"Did they put you up to this?" His expression became questioning as he watched me with sceptical eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"Johnny, Sam, and Zach. Did they put you up to this? You know, pay you or summit me with my...problem" I just stayed silent and tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Oh fuck. I can't believe I just asked you that. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, you know, imply you're know... It's just I was joking with them about this thing. Like how awesome it would be, find a blonde in my bed, and I thought maybe they..." I felt a smile creep onto my face as I watched the boy's blush increase as his rambling continued.

He must have been around sixteen, or at least his lean build suggested he was, along with the lack of stubble on his face. If it wasn't for those things I may have thought him older, due to his height and mature face. However, he had warm, almost innocent, eyes and his actions spoke volumes. He clearly wasn't that experienced with talking to girls. It was obvious from the way he nervously stuck his hands in his pockets or scratched through his hair.

"What's your name?" I asked as I relaxed my body from the tensed position it had been in before.

"Dylan." I felt a smug smirk cross my lips as Dylan gulped slightly when I took a step towards him.

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