Chapter 23

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"Sarelle, this is Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice

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"Sarelle, this is Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice."Carlisle pointed out the people to me.

I sat staring at the four people who had entered. My heart was pounding and I could see it was making them uncomfortable. Edward's face looked between my shocked expression and his siblings.

Impossible. My mind mumbled.

They couldn't be the same people. There was surely no way. What kind of twisted joke was fate playing if it had decided to reintroduce so many people of my past but in different forms, bodies in which they would have barely any recognition of who I was?

They couldn't be the same people, it was just a coincidence.

I cleared my throat while I stood up, a shy smile on my face. I wouldn't make any more judgements until I knew a little more about them. Maybe, once I got to know them better, then my head would be better equipped to decide whether I truly knew them or not.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all." Their previously stiff cautious faces melted into smiles, well Emmett's and Alice's did. Jasper seemed to be in pain and Rosalie was purposefully refusing to pay any attention to me. It was as if she thought it was beneath her to acknowledge my presence.

This idea caused anger to flare up in me. I knew it was irrational given that she had only just met me, but if she was the same Rose that I had met all those months ago then it didn't seem right that she treated me this way. After everything I had done for her, endured with her.

Then again, this was all based on whether she was the same girl. It was hard to tell because her immortal version was so very different. Her expression was hard and showed none of the fear or vulnerability that it had been filled with on the night of the attack. This wasn't the only difference; her appearance was so much more than it had been. Golden hair cascaded down her back in rippling waves and her body was statuesque and perfectly poised. There were certainly a few glimpses that suggested she was the same girl, but I didn't know enough about her to be certain so I kept my mouth shut and just accepted her obvious dislike for me.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you, Sarelle. You have no idea how long I've been waiting." Alice skipped forward and gave me a light hug, inhaling slightly.

"You smell pretty. I can see the appeal." She grinned and linked her hand with mine, swinging it happily. Carlisle and Esme stood with quiet shock on their faces but when they saw my smile they soon relaxed along with Edward who seemed to be having a conversation with Alice.

"Thank you, Alice. It's nice to know I'll never have to by perfume in future," She giggled. She was certainly very alike to Mary but she couldn't be her because there was no Aslo, and she was Alice not Mary. I turned towards the other three. I skipped over the glaring eyes of Rosalie and the still pained expression of Jasper. If he truly was Major Jasper Whitlock then something had changed, drastically.

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